COVID-19 vaccination requirements
How to access the system which will record your vaccine details or other exemption options within the Policy
To meet the requirements of the Policy and update your Griffith COVID-19 record, students will need log into myGriffith, and click on the Update Vaccination Details URL on the homepage.
To meet the requirements of the Policy, you need to do one of the following:
Submit Proof of being Fully Vaccinated
Who this option is for:
Anyone who is fully vaccinated, and prepared to share this information with the University, should use this option.
Prework necessary:
You will need to download your digital certificate. Information on how to obtain your digital certificate is here.
To confirm you are fully vaccinated on your Griffith COVID-19 record:
Access your COVID-19 record via the COVID-19 Vaccination tile in myGriffith. The below form will load:
Once documentation has been uploaded, click the “Continue” button to submit your response.
You will then be prompted for the following information
- Insert the date of your most recent COVID-19 vaccination
- Enter the type of your most recent COVID-19 vaccination
- Upload your COVID-19 vaccine certificate which the University will temporarily hold for verification.
Once you have completed this, you can update at a later date, for instance, if you get a booster.
Submit Proof of being Medically Exempt
Who this option is for:
There is a very small group of individuals who are unable to receive any of the approved COVID-19 vaccinations. Individuals who meet the required approval process are considered Medically Exempt.
Prework necessary:
To demonstrate you are medically exempt your doctor will need to update your record on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and indicate you have a medical contraindication. Information on how to do this is available here. Once your doctor has agreed to your exemption and completed the necessary documentation, your AIR record will be updated. This can sometimes take a
couple of weeks. Once this is updated, you will be able to download your digital certificate.
To confirm you are temporarily exempt on your Griffith COVID-19 record:
Once you are in the Griffith COVID-19 record system, to submit proof of being Medically Exempt:
Once documentation has been uploaded, click the “Continue” button to submit your response.
Some medical contraindications are only valid for a few months. In this case, your COVID-19 digital certificate will show a ‘valid to’ date. If your certificate has a ‘valid to’ date, prior to your certificate’s expiry you will need to inform the University on how you intend to continue to meet the Policy requirements. For instance, you may have an approved further medical contraindication or present a schedule for you to become fully vaccinated.
You will also be required to participate in the Testing Regime – refer to Section 4. Below. The University will supply Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to students who are medically exempt.
Once you submit your information, we will get in contact to inform you how you can access your tests.
Submit Proof of Recent COVID-19 Infection (Temporarily Exempt)
Who this option is for:
If you have recently had COVID-19, your vaccination schedule may have been impacted and you may require a short extension to meet the Policy requirements. This option may not be available to students if their course requirements are covered by a vaccination requirement in a Public Health Direction.
On providing appropriate evidence, students will be granted a temporary exemption of four weeks from the date of your Queensland Health PCR/RAT confirmation. After this period has concluded, students will be expected to resume their vaccination schedule. One week prior to the conclusion of their temporary exemption period, students must notify the University of their schedule to become fully vaccinated. Students who do not intend to become fully vaccinated should indicate how they intend to meet the Policy requirements. Students can notify the University of their details via the following email address:
If you meet the conditions to be temporarily exempt due to recent COVID-19 infection, you will not be required to participate in the Testing Regime during the exemption period. After this period, and depending on the length of your schedule to become fully vaccinated, the University may require you to conduct a testing regime prior to completing your course of vaccines.
Prework necessary:
To meet the condition for this option, you will need to:
Download evidence of your recent COVID-19 infection such as a QLD Health positive PCR/RAT confirmation email.
To confirm you are temporarily exempt on your Griffith COVID-19 record:
Once you are in the Griffith COVID-19 record system, to submit proof of having a recent Infection
Once documentation has been uploaded, click the “Continue” button to submit your response.
Participate in the Rapid Antigen Testing Regime
Who this option is for:
This option is for students who are not fully vaccinated or decided not to apprise the University of their vaccination status and where the other options above are not relevant.
By agreeing to participate in the Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) Regime, you will be required to conduct Rapid Antigen Testing twice a week. The Vice Chancellor may increase the required testing frequency from time to time. You may conduct fewer than the required number of tests if you attend campus for fewer days than the current weekly testing frequency. Testing schedules should be spread throughout the week so that when attending campus, you have received a negative test within the last 72 hours.
From time-to-time the University may notify you of the need to conduct a more frequent testing regime and/or to reduce the interval between students coming onto campus and receiving a negative result. You will be required to start your testing regime from the week of 21 February 2022.
Students who obtain a positive RAT result must complete the Queensland Health Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) - Positive Result Registration Form.
Prework necessary:
1. Students opting to conduct testing rather than vaccination and those who have opted not to apprise the University of their vaccination status are expected to fund and source their own test kits and ensure they have an adequate supply. Information on RAT availability is provided here:
2. You may be asked for evidence of compliance with this testing regime. A photograph of your most recently completed test is considered evidence of compliance.
To register your participation in the Rapid Antigen Testing Regime via your Griffith COVID-19 record:
Once you are in the Griffith COVID-19 record system, indicate you will participate in the testing program:
Once you have agreed to engage in testing at least twice a week or at a frequency determined by the University, click the “Continue” button to submit your response.
Agree to study only through fully online courses or suspend enrolment
Once you have agreed to either not ordinarily physically attend campus, or if you do physically attend campus for any reason, to agree to submit proof of vaccination and/or a negative test result prior to attending campus, click the “Continue” button to submit your response.
Indicate that you will either:
- Agree to study only through fully online courses (courses that do not require participation on a Griffith campus). If you need assistance with this process, students can seek advice about their study options by contacting Student Connect via AskUs.
- Suspend enrolment until a time when this Policy and Procedure is no longer in force.
Note that if this option is selected, you will not be eligible for global mobility opportunities, other than those offered virtually.