Collaborating with industry, community and government to improve marine health and management

The Coastal and Marine Research Centre provides one of the most comprehensive coastal and marine consultancy services in Australia.

Our partners include government, marine industries and conservation bodies, as well as aquaculture and tourism providers.

Our high levels of connectivity and collaborative work set the CMRC apart from many other academic bodies and research institutes.

14 Life below water

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to preserving the biodiversity and ecological balance of our oceans, ensuring their long-term health and resilience for future generations.

Our services

Coastal Modelling and Management

Coastal Management Consultancy

Coastal and Ocean Engineering

Storm Surge and Sea Level Modelling

Catchment and Water Management

Catchment Management Science

Water Resource Engineering

Water Quality Monitoring

Chemical Analysis and Toxicology Testing

Ecological Monitoring and Management

Automated Monitoring and Blue Carbon

Marine Impact Studies

Marine Algae Identification and Aquaculture

Jellyfish Identification and Monitoring

Marine Science Education

  • Community engagement and consultancy
  • Classes and workshops
  • Documentary and film making

Industry partners

  • AECOM Middle East
  • Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • Boattime Yacht charters
  • DHI Water and Environment
  • DNV
  • Eco Logical Australia
  • Gladstone Ports Corporation
  • Great Barrier Reef Foundation
  • Huon Aquaculture
  • International Coastal Management (ICM)
  • JB Pacific
  • Moreton Bay Environmental Education Centre
  • Petuna
  • Port of Townsville Ltd
  • Royal Haskoning DHV
  • Sea World
  • Sea World Cruises
  • Seqwater
  • SMEC
  • Spirit of Gold Coast
  • Sunshine Coast Afloat
  • Surf Life Saving Australia
  • Tangalooma Resort
  • Tassal
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Queensland
  • University of Sunshine Coast
  • Water Technology
  • World Wildlife Fund US
  • Cape York NRM
  • NQ Dry Tropics
  • Palladium
  • Reef & Rainforest Research Centre

Government partners

  • Brisbane City Council (QLD)
  • Byron Shire Council (NSW)
  • City of Gold Coast (QLD)
  • Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (National)
  • Department of Environment and Science (QLD)
  • Department of Fisheries (QLD)
  • Department of Planning and Environment (NSW)
  • Department of Primary Industries (NSW)
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)
  • Geoscience Australia
  • Gold Coast Waterways Authority (QLD)
  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
  • Logan City Council (QLD)
  • MidCoast Council (NSW)
  • Morton Bay Regional Council (QLD)
  • Noosa Shire Council (QLD)
  • Redland Shire Council (QLD)
  • Sunshine Coast Council (QLD)
  • Transport for NSW
  • Tweed Sand Bypass (QLD/NSW)
  • Tweed Shire Council (QLD)

Major projects

City of Gold Coast Research Program

We have project managed and carried out a minimum of three major research projects for the City of Gold Coast, Transport and Infrastructure each financial year since 1999. Projects are varied but require expert and corporate knowledge of the City of Gold Coasts coastal and estuarine environments and assets. Our outputs include professional workshops, community engagement exercises, operational management and monitoring programs, expert review of consultant works and historical literature, operational decision support tools / systems, cost-benefit analysis on a wide range of coastal management issues.

Monitoring the toxicology and health of green turtles in Cleveland Bay

Funded by Port of Townsville Limited (POTL), this project aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the toxicology and health of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) foraging in Cleveland Bay, in relation to known baseline levels and seasonal events (such as high rainfall during the wet season) to assist with guiding activities proposed in the Port of Townsville Channel Upgrade (CU) Project.

Cleveland Bay seagrass meadows are significant foraging grounds and habitat sites for all six species of marine turtles that inhabit the Great Barrier Reef, with green turtles representing ~90% of turtles sighted during previous surveys.


Gold Coast Broadwater Receiving Environment Monitoring Program

The Centre has provided water quality monitoring services, both regulatory and research related, for the City of Gold Coast Water and Waste Directorate (GCWW) since 2016. Through this partnership, the Centre and GCWW have developed an extensive baseline water quality dataset for the estuarine and coastal region of the Gold Coast spanning 4.5 years (2016-2021).

The Centre currently provides the GCWW with monitoring, analytical, and interpretive services through a Receiving Environment Monitoring Program (REMP). The aim of the REMP is to provide a structed, robust and repeatable water quality monitoring program associated with the release of recycled water generated by the GCWW’s sewage treatment plants. This also includes targeted water quality investigations in response to unique and complex incidences that may pose a risk to the environment. The REMP is one of the largest water quality monitoring programs on the Gold Coast and ensures any potential impact to the environment, as a result of recycled water release, is accurately quantified and communicated to the appropriate government agencies.

Coastal Water Quality

Extracting River Bank and Gully Erosion Data from the Queensland Power Grid

Aerial laser imaging, detection and ranging (lidar) has been used to survey, assess and manage above-ground power line assets in Queensland.  This project processed an extremely large lidar dataset (~620TB or 45757 km2 x 6 annual repeats from 2013 -2018), making the data accessible for use in Natural Resource Management applications.

Through this project, lidar data will now provide a 0.5m digital elevation model (DEM) with coverage across ~7% of the Queensland land area or ~12% of the stream network in the GBR catchments (which were the initial project focus).  Processes are also being developed for extracting channel metric data from the 12% of the stream network captured by the lidar dataset, and this will form the basis for a river classification system and an improved channel erosion model.

Erosion and Sediment Management

Partner with us

Partnerships and collaboration are essential to our research impact. We partner widely with industry, not-for-profit organisations and government. We also collaborate with fellow researchers and maintain strong ties with our community.

If you would like to partner with us, or tap into our research expertise, facilities or services, please get in touch at

Our Research

Our Researchers

Contact details

(07) 5552 7269
Location and postal address
Coastal and Marine Research Centre
Room 2.01, Building G51
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Queensland, 4222

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