Connecting community, business and government

Community-led decision-making empowers communities to share responsibility for their food resilience in times of need. This research team is connecting community, business and government to build capacity for accessing local food and to thrive in uncertain times.

3 Good health and well-being 13 Climate action

Sustainable Development Goals

Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to taking action on climate change and preserving terrestrial ecosystems, working toward a more sustainable and biodiverse planet for the benefit of all.


Partnering with the Queensland Government’s Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management (IGEM)

Dr Kimberley Reis leads this research team to work in collaboration with IGEM to build locally-based food resilience. Listen to why the Queensland Government sees this as important.


Growth Corridor

Logan is a major population growth corridor in South East Queensland. Our work with the Logan City Council and Griffith University’s Centre for Systems Innovation and the Regional Innovation Data Lab aims to map the local food bowl to encourage a resilient, shorter food supply ecosystem. This project enhances more robust local food access options for Logan’s most vulnerable community members and supports the vibrant and multiculturally diverse identity of this major growth corridor.

Logan Local Food Map

Read the Report


The Food Connect Foundation (FCF) highlights the advantages of smaller, local food supply options for urban-dwellers. Our work with the FCF demonstrates best practices for integrating a variety of urban agriculture innovations within the urban fabric and low impact industrial settings.


Australia’s ‘salad bowl’ the Lockyer Valley, is no stranger to the impacts of severe weather events. Our work with the Lockyer Valley Regional Council is an example of embedding local food contingencies within Business Continuity Plans of rural townships, food producers and businesses.



Cairns is the gateway to world heritage areas and tropical agriculture that are exposed to weather extremes such as monsoons and heatwaves. Our work with the Cairns Regional Council aims to build a culture of life-long learning for resilience by supporting the most vulnerable community members to strategically access a range of local foods.

Read the report

Get Involved

Local Food Contingency: Building a Community of Practice

This initiative aims to build an emergent and ongoing community of practitioners through an efficient online platform called - Basecamp. In partnership with the Queensland Government’s Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management (IGEM), our action-research agenda addresses the industry’s identified needs at this time to build capacity for change among the participants, so they might facilitate change in their respective networks for building local food-related disaster resilience. We are working towards a robust spatially-informed database to drive efficient and effective ways of decision-making.

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