Our research
Cities Research Institute
Our research is focused on confronting the challenges and uncertainty of the next century.
We are committed to supporting researchers to operate as future-focused problem solvers working across the built and natural environments, social science, and public health. Our research takes place outside the traditional definition of “the city” in peri-urban, regional, and remote areas. At the same time, cities are changing, especially with regard to green infrastructure, green transport, and the blue economy – research fields which we are actively engaged in. We also host researchers who focus on human-centred disciplines, including public health and wellbeing (e.g., heat and housing, recycled water, First Peoples environmental health, and human geographies).
Explore each of our research themes below in more detail.
Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and committed to tackling global challenges around sustainable cities and communities, and climate action.
Research Themes and Groups
Adaptation Science
This theme delves into the intricacies of climate adaptation, with a strong focus on long-term and robust decision-making processes in managing local and global change.
Building Science and Construction Innovation
This theme generates important and relevant research for the construction sector, seeking to improve the integrity, robustness and safety of various building structures and approaches.
Coastal Resilience
This theme addresses multifaceted challenges confronting cities in coastal zones, encompassing issues including erosion, inexorable rise of sea levels, and storm surge hazards.
Digital Earth and Resilient Infrastructure
Researchers in this theme are investigating decision-making pathways for complex built-environment concerns, with an emphasis on nature-inspired and place-based solutions.
Digital Multi-Utility Transformation
This theme endeavours to seamlessly integrate 'big data' metering and monitoring technologies, along with their associated expert systems, into critical infrastructure.
Gold Coast Futures
For a decade, the City of Gold Coast has actively collaborated with CRI across a range of collaborative projects investigating urban planning and growth management within the city.
This theme draws together our multifaceted housing research driven by an era of shifting demographics, economic disparities, and urbanisation, seeking to shape a more equitable and liveable future for all.
SeaCities Lab
This theme examines the interplay between land and sea, forecasting future development scenarios through the application of hydrodynamic modelling.
Transport Research Group
Researchers within this theme collaborate closely with a diverse array of industry partners to facilitate strategic planning, construction, and effective management of transportation systems.
Water and Waste Management
This theme centres on collaborative design and practical implementation of applied research tailored for the water and waste management sector, bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and real-world applications.
Coastal and Marine Research Centre
The Coastal and Marine Research Centre integrates our coastal expertise with wider questions of city planning. Through rigorous research and community engagement, the Centre explores the vulnerabilities of Australian coastal cities helps them to be more resilient into the future.
Rahman, T., Paul, S.K., Agarwal, R., Shukla, N., Taghikhah, F. (2024). A viable supply chain model for managing panic-buying related challenges: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Production Research, 62(10), 3415-3434. 10.1080/00207543.2023.2237609 |
Ali, S., Stewart, R.A., Sahin, O., Vieira, A.S. (2024). Spatial bayesian approach for socio-economic assessment of pumped hydro storage. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189(-), -. 10.1016/j.rser.2023.114007 |
Wang, C.M., Ma, M., Chu, Y., Jeng, D.-S., Zhang, H. (2024). Developments in Modeling Techniques for Reliability Design of Aquaculture Cages: A Review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(1), -. 10.3390/jmse12010103 |
Bach, A.J.E., Cunningham, S.J.K., Morris, N.R., Xu, Z., Rutherford, S., Binnewies, S., Meade, R.D. (2024). Experimental research in environmentally induced hyperthermic older persons: A systematic quantitative literature review mapping the available evidence. Temperature, 11(1), 4-26. 10.1080/23328940.2023.2242062 |
Abkhezr, P. (2024). Exploring the future career autobiography with young Australian undergraduate students: autobiographical opportunities for career storytelling and narrative change. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 52(3), 483-502. 10.1080/03069885.2023.2174249 |
Chulliparambil, V.R., Shearer, H., Cortes-Ramirez, J., Matthews, T., Michael, R.N. (2024). Identifying the potential for ecological rehabilitation of landfills in Queensland: A spatial analysis. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 31(1), 64-82. 10.1080/14486563.2024.2306342 |
Amoatey, P., Osborne, N.J., Darssan, D., Xu, Z., Doan, Q.-V., Phung, D. (2024). The effects of diurnal temperature range on mortality and emergency department presentations in Victoria state of Australia: A time-series analysis. Environmental Research, 240(-), -. 10.1016/j.envres.2023.117397 |
Wilkinson, S.N., Rutherfurd, I.D., Brooks, A.P., Bartley, R. (2024). Achieving change through gully erosion research. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(1), 49-57. 10.1002/esp.5575 |
Teixeira, A.L.D.F., Bhaduri, A., Siefert, C.A.C., Iftekhar, M.S., Bunn, S.E., Souza, S.A.D., Gonçalves, M.V.C., Costa, L.C.D. (2024). Water security threats and solutions in the Grande River basin – One of the Brazilian agricultural frontiers. Science of the Total Environment, 906(-), -. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167351 |
Deng, C., Zhang, H., Hamilton, D.P. (2024). Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Water Extraction on Thermal Stratification and Water Quality of a Subtropical Lake Using the GLM-AED Model. Water (Switzerland), 16(1), -. 10.3390/w16010151 |
Zhao, Z., Guan, H., Li, Y., Xue, H., Gilbert, B.P. (2024). Collapse-resistant mechanisms induced by various perimeter column damage scenarios in RC flat plate structures. Structures, 59(-), -. 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105716 |
Dehghani, S., Massah Bavani, A., Roozbahani, A., Sahin, O. (2024). Assessment of Climate Change-Induced Water Scarcity Risk by Using a Coupled System Dynamics and Bayesian Network Modeling Approaches. Water Resources Management, -(-), -. 10.1007/s11269-024-03843-7 |
Zhang, J., Zhang, F., Jiang, L., Guo, W., Cao, Q., Shi, M., Xiao, A. (2024). Comparative review of urban geometric parameters and their uses in outdoor thermal environment studies. Journal of Urban Management, -(-), -. 10.1016/j.jum.2024.05.009 |
Ngo, L., Lee, J., Rutherford, S., Phung, H. (2024). A call to action in review of the Australian Dietary Guidelines: Impacts of conflicting nutrition information: A mixed methods study. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35(1), 154-164. 10.1002/hpja.726 |
Cundill, G., Harvey, B., Ley, D., Singh, C., Huson, B., Aldunce, P., Biesbroek, R., Lawrence, J., Morchain, D., Nalau, J., Simpson, N.P., Totin, E. (2024). Engaging diverse knowledge holders in adaptation research. Nature Climate Change, -(-), -. 10.1038/s41558-024-02056-5 |
Ammad, S., Sherif, M., Steward, R., Saad, S., Altaf, M., Qureshi, A.H. (2024). Fall Prevention Technique Through IOT Technology with Occupational Safety in Infrastructure Projects. 2024 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems, ICETSIS 2024, -(-), 1947-1952. 10.1109/ICETSIS61505.2024.10459530 |
White, J.J., Hinsch, J.J., Bennett, W.W., Wang, Y. (2024). The impact of metal dopants on the properties of nZVI: a theoretical study. JPhys Materials, 7(1), -. 10.1088/2515-7639/ad1c03 |
Arteaga, E., Nalau, J., Biesbroek, R., Howes, M. (2024). Corrigendum to “Unpacking the theory-practice gap in climate adaptation” [Clim. Risk Manage. 42 (2023) 100567] (Climate Risk Management (2023) 42, (S2212096323000931), (10.1016/j.crm.2023.100567)). Climate Risk Management, -(-), -. 10.1016/j.crm.2024.100620 |
Alviya, I., Iftekhar, M.S., Sarvaiya, H., Sarker, T. (2024). Greenwashing Practices Threat in Indonesian Land-Based Private Sector’s Participation in Carbon Trading. World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, -(-), -. 10.11159/iceptp24.201 |
Buelow, C.A., Connolly, R.M., Dunic, J.C., Griffiths, L., Holgate, B., Lee, S.Y., Mackey, B.G., Maxwell, P.S., Pearson, R.M., Rajkaran, A., Sievers, M., Sousa, A.I., Tulloch, V.J.D., Turschwell, M.P., Villarreal-Rosas, J., Brown, C.J. (2024). Enabling conservation theories of change. Nature Sustainability, 7(1), 73-81. 10.1038/s41893-023-01245-y |
Arteaga, E., Biesbroek, R., Nalau, J., Howes, M. (2024). Across the Great Divide: A Systematic Literature Review to Address the Gap Between Theory and Practice. SAGE Open, 14(1), -. 10.1177/21582440241228019 |
Bland, M., Burke, M.I., Bertolaccini, K. (2024). Taking steps toward healthy & sustainable transport investment: A systematic review of economic evaluations in the academic literature on large-scale active transport infrastructure. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 18(3), 201-220. 10.1080/15568318.2023.2296952 |
Provenzi, L., Billeci, L., Wright, C., Xu, Z. (2024). Editorial: Climate change challenge in pediatric psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 15(-), -. 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1439041 |
Kineber, A.F., Elshaboury, N., Mostafa, S., Alasow, A.A., Arashpour, M. (2024). Influence of massive open online courses implementation on satisfaction and continuance intention of students. International Journal of Educational Management, -(-), -. 10.1108/IJEM-08-2023-0411 |
Vieira, L.C., Serrao-Neumann, S., Howes, M. (2024). Urban food planning and management in Melbourne: current challenges and practical insights. International Planning Studies, 29(2), 180-197. 10.1080/13563475.2024.2358005 |
Fei, Y., Liao, W., Zhao, P., Lu, X., Guan, H. (2024). Hybrid surrogate model combining physics and data for seismic drift estimation of shear-wall structures. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics , -(-), -. 10.1002/eqe.4151 |
Bertone, E., Bischeri, C., Boddy, J. (2024). Integration of the sustainable development Goals (SDGs) in architecture curriculum–quantifying the extent of SDG contributions. Environmental Education Research, -(-), -. 10.1080/13504622.2024.2365403 |
Sai Venkata Sarath Chandra, N., Xu, Z. (2024). Heat and health of occupational workers: a short summary of literature. Journal of Occupational Health, 66(1), -. 10.1093/JOCCUH/uiae018 |
Al Atawneh, D., Janardhanan, S., Cartwright, N., Bertone, E., Doble, R. (2024). Predictive analysis of groundwater balance and assessment of safe yield using a probabilistic groundwater model for the Dead Sea Basin. Frontiers in Water, 6(-), -. 10.3389/frwa.2024.1380877 |
Faircloth, A., Brancheriau, L., Karampour, H., Kumar, C. (2024). Evaluation of full-sized and thick cross-laminated timber using in-line non-destructive techniques. Wood Material Science and Engineering, 19(3), 660-673. 10.1080/17480272.2023.2286622 |
Al-Gemeel, A.N., Al-Hayo, N., Ong, D.E.L., Zhuge, Y. (2024). The Sustainability of Using DuraCrete as Cement Additive to Estuarine Soft Soil Stabilization. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(1), -. 10.3390/su16010231 |
Hussain, I., Aghdamy, S., Gunalan, S. (2024). Structural Performance and Design of Aluminum Claddings Subjected to Windborne Debris Impact. Buildings, 14(1), -. 10.3390/buildings14010135 |
Sharpe, R., Brooks, A., Olley, J., Kemp, J. (2024). Patterns of riparian forest disturbance caused by tree dislodging on a subtropical river during large floods. River Research and Applications, -(-), -. 10.1002/rra.4298 |
Muroi, S.K., Bertone, E., Cartwright, N., Alvarez, F. (2024). Hybrid one-line/ 2DH model of submerged breakwater for coastal protection. Environmental Modelling and Software, 172(-), -. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105897 |
Reid, S., Kraatz, J., Caldera, S. (2024). A Liveability Framework for Medium to High Density Social and Affordable Housing: An Australian Housing Case Study. Urban Policy and Research, 42(2), 139-159. 10.1080/08111146.2024.2323013 |
Nguyen, T.S., Mohamed, S., Mostafa, S. (2024). Optimising project outcomes in complex environments: empirical insights on agile practices and stakeholder dynamics. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, -(-), -. 10.1108/BEPAM-06-2023-0107 |
Bland, M., Burke, M.I., Bertolaccini, K. (2024). Localised Perceptions of Large-Scale Active Transport Infrastructure: Resident Attitudes Towards Pedestrian and Cyclist-Only Bridges on the Gold Coast, Australia. Urban Policy and Research, 42(1), 59-81. 10.1080/08111146.2024.2307895 |
dos Santos Ferreira, C., Gomes, G., Castillo-Ospina, D.A., Bertassini, A.C., Zaguetto, C., Feltrin, N., Rossi, E., Carmo, I.M.K., Vasconcellos, J.C.N., Barboza, L., Tonelli, R., Dionisio, G., Gerolamo, M.C., Mello, A.M., de Vasconcelos Gomes, L.A., Beal, C., Ometto, A.R. (2024). Organizational Practices, Values, and Mindsets as a Basis for Circular Economy Transition. Greening of Industry Networks Studies, 12(-), 85-109. 10.1007/978-3-031-55036-2_5 |
Tao, J., Zhang, Y., Wu, Q., Yang, M., Tong, S., Ren, Z., Xu, Z., Ho, H.C., Hossain, M.Z., Xu, Y., Wei, X., Li, Z., Zheng, H., Su, H., Zhang, W., Cheng, J. (2024). Impacts of hot and cold nights on mental disorders: A three-stage nationwide hospital-based time-series study with 1.2 million patients in China. Global Transitions, 6(-), 10-18. 10.1016/j.glt.2023.11.002 |
Qasim, A., Tjondronegoro, D., Desha, C., Reis, K., Dewirahmadi, F. (2024). Using secondary data from mobile phones to monitor local food market access during disasters: an Australian case study. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1), -. 10.1080/17538947.2024.2330689 |
Mortimore, A., Ratnasiri, S., Iftekhar, M.S. (2024). Who is buying electric vehicles in Australia? A study of early adopters. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, -(-), -. 10.1080/14486563.2024.2332281 |
Zhang, F., Khoshbakht, M. (2024). GENDER AND AGE. Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces, -(-), 129-137. 10.1201/9781003328728-13 |
Rumokoy, L.J., Liu, B., Chung, R. (2024). Do board networks matter for corporate cash holdings? Evidence from Australian firms. Corporate Governance (Bingley), -(-), -. 10.1108/CG-05-2023-0216 |
Parsons, M., Asena, Q., Johnson, D., Nalau, J. (2024). A bibliometric and topic analysis of climate justice: Mapping trends, voices, and the way forward. Climate Risk Management, 44(-), -. 10.1016/j.crm.2024.100593 |
Mackey, B., Morgan, E., Keith, H. (2024). Evaluating forest landscape management for ecosystem integrity. Landscape Research, 49(2), 246-267. 10.1080/01426397.2023.2284938 |
Thirunavukkarasu, K., Alsanat, H., Poologanathan, K., Gunalan, S., Gatheeshgar, P., Kanthasamy, E., Higgins, C. (2024). Web crippling behaviour of sigma sections under end two flange loading – Numerical investigation. Structures, 59(-), -. 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105765 |
Kundu, S., Morgan, E.A., Smart, J.C.R. (2024). Farmers perspectives on options for and barriers to implementing climate resilient agriculture and implications for climate adaptation policy. Environmental Science and Policy, 151(-), -. 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.103618 |
Cury, R., Kennelly, M., Howes, M. (2024). Enacting environmental commitments and initiatives in Australian Olympic sport: an actor-network theory perspective. Managing Sport and Leisure, -(-), -. 10.1080/23750472.2023.2299823 |
Esraz-Ul-Zannat, M., Dedekorkut-Howes, A., Morgan, E.A. (2024). A review of nature-based infrastructures and their effectiveness for urban flood risk mitigation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, -(-), -. 10.1002/wcc.889 |
Gan, X., Jia, J., Le, Y., Liu, T., Xue, Y. (2024). Mitigating the aftermath of relationship conflict between the owners and contractors: a contract enforcement approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, -(-), -. 10.1108/ECAM-02-2024-0208 |
Amarasinghe, I., Hong, Y., Stewart, R.A. (2024). Development of a material circularity evaluation framework for building construction projects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 436(-), -. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.140562 |
Dinh, H.L., Liu, J., Doh, J.-H., Ong, D.E.L. (2024). Influence of Si/Al molar ratio and ca content on the performance of fly ash-based geopolymer incorporating waste glass and GGBFS. Construction and Building Materials, 411(-), -. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134741 |
Fatehi, H., Ong, D.E.L., Yu, J., Chang, I. (2024). Sustainable soil treatment: Investigating the efficacy of carrageenan biopolymer on the geotechnical properties of soil. Construction and Building Materials, 411(-), -. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134627 |
Sun, J., Oh, E., Chai, G., Ma, Z., Ong, D.E.L., Bell, P. (2024). A systematic review of structural design methods and nondestructive tests for airport pavements. Construction and Building Materials, 411(-), -. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134543 |
Gilbert, B.P., Davies, T.E., McGavin, R.L., Dowse, C.J. (2024). Towards reducing the capital cost of manufacturing Laminated Veneer Lumbers: Investigating finger jointing solutions. Construction and Building Materials, 411(-), -. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134158 |
Roumi, S., Zhang, F., Stewart, R.A., Santamouris, M. (2024). Indoor environment quality effects on occupant satisfaction and energy consumption: Empirical evidence from subtropical offices. Energy and Buildings, 303(-), -. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113784 |
Song, J., Pan, T., Xu, Z., Yi, W., Pan, R., Cheng, J., Hu, W., Su, H. (2024). A systematic analysis of chronic kidney disease burden attributable to lead exposure based on the global burden of disease study 2019. Science of the Total Environment, 908(-), -. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168189 |
de Jesus, J.O.N., Medeiros, D.L., Esquerre, K.P.O., Sahin, O., de Araujo, W.C. (2024). Water Treatment with Aluminum Sulfate and Tanin-Based Biocoagulant in an Oil Refinery: The Technical, Environmental, and Economic Performance. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(3), -. 10.3390/su16031191 |
Wang, Y., Desha, C., Caldera, S., Beer, T. (2024). Roles of Urban Green Spaces for Children in High-Density Metropolitan Areas during Pandemics: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(3), -. 10.3390/su16030988 |
Farsijani, D., Gholam, S., Karampour, H., Talebian, N. (2024). The impact of the frequency content of far-field earthquakes on the optimum parameters and performance of tuned mass damper inerter. Structures, 60(-), -. 10.1016/j.istruc.2024.105925 |
Chen, X., Doh, J.-H., Aghdamy, S. (2024). Numerical study of axial-loaded circular concrete-filled aluminum tubular slender columns. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 18(2), 272-293. 10.1007/s11709-024-1000-7 |
Kemp, J., Pietsch, T.J. (2024). Death of a palaeochannel: Slow abandonment of an avulsed channel on the Riverine Plains, SE Australia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(2), 567-581. 10.1002/esp.5721 |
Lu, P., Gilbert, B.P., Kumar, C., McGavin, R.L., Karampour, H. (2024). Influence of the moisture content on the fracture energy and tensile strength of hardwood spotted gum sawn timber and adhesive bonds (gluelines). European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 82(1), 53-68. 10.1007/s00107-023-01999-4 |
Lekammudiyanse, M.U., Saunders, M.I., Flint, N., Irving, A., Aiken, C., Clark, D.E., Berthelsen, A., Hindmarsh, B., Hooks, R., Connolly, R.M., Sievers, M., Rasheed, M.A., Smith, T.M., Glasby, T.M., Sherman, C.D.H., Jackson, E.L. (2024). Environmental drivers of flowering in the genus Zostera and spatio-temporal variability of Zostera muelleri flowering in Australasia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(2), -. 10.1002/aqc.4068 |
Altaf, M., Alaloul, W.S., Musarat, M.A., Mostafa, S., Stewart, R., Hussain, A., Rabbani, M.B.A., Saad, S., Ammad, S. (2024). Barriers affecting implementation of life cycle cost analysis in construction projects: SEM approach. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 9(2), -. 10.1007/s41062-023-01361-w |
Oberai, M., Xu, Z., Bach, A.J.E., Phung, D., Watzek, J.T., Rutherford, S. (2024). Preparing for a hotter climate: A systematic review and meta-analysis of heatwaves and ambulance callouts in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 48(1), -. 10.1016/j.anzjph.2023.100115 |
Fei, Y., Liao, W., Lu, X., Guan, H. (2024). Knowledge-enhanced graph neural networks for construction material quantity estimation of reinforced concrete buildings. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 39(4), 518-538. 10.1111/mice.13094 |
Shooshtarian, S., Maqsood, T., Wong, P.S.P., Caldera, S., Ryley, T., Zaman, A., Cáceres Ruiz, A.M. (2024). Circular economy in action: the application of products with recycled content in construction projects – a multiple case study approach. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13(2), 370-394. 10.1108/SASBE-08-2023-0213 |
Ajaz, S., Aly Hassan, A., Michael, R.N., Leusch, F.D.L. (2024). Removal of organic micropollutants in biologically active filters: A systematic quantitative review of key influencing factors. Journal of Environmental Management, 353(-), -. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120203 |
Koosheh, A., Etemad-Shahidi, A., Cartwright, N., Tomlinson, R., van Gent, M.R.A. (2024). Wave overtopping layer thickness on the crest of rubble mound seawalls. Coastal Engineering, 188(-), -. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104441 |
Borg, D.N., Impellizzeri, F.M., Borg, S.J., Hutchins, K.P., Stewart, I.B., Jones, T., Baguley, B.J., Orssatto, L.B.R., Bach, A.J.E., Osborne, J.O., McMaster, B.S., Buhmann, R.L., Bon, J.J., Barnett, A.G. (2024). Meta-analysis prediction intervals are under reported in sport and exercise medicine. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 34(3), -. 10.1111/sms.14603 |
Souter, R.T., Ruuska, D., Pene, S., Benjamin, C., Funubo, S., Beal, C.D., Sanderson, R., Batikawai, S., Ravai, A., Antoinette-Wickham, T., Rankin, T., Peter, L., Molitambe, H., Theophile, G., Shrestha, S., Kotra, K.K., Bugoro, H., Panda, N., Deo, V., Love, M. (2024). Strengthening rural community water safety planning in Pacific Island countries: evidence and lessons from Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Fiji. Journal of Water and Health, 22(3), 467-486. 10.2166/wh.2024.144 |
Shooshtarian, S., Maqsood, T., Wong, P.S.P., Zaman, A., Caldera, S., Ryley, T. (2024). Utilisation of certification schemes for recycled products in the Australian building and construction sector. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(3), 1759-1777. 10.1002/bse.3568 |
Yeo, L.Y., Phangkawira, F., Kueh, P.G., Lee, S.H., Choo, C.S., Zhang, D., Ong, D.E.L. (2024). Evaluation of Jacking Forces in Weathered Phyllite Based on In Situ Pressuremeter Testing and Deep Learning. Geosciences (Switzerland), 14(3), -. 10.3390/geosciences14030055 |
Newbery, B., Connolly, R.M., Melvin, S.D., Sievers, M. (2024). The utility of non-lethal morphometrics to evaluate fish condition. Austral Ecology, 49(3), -. 10.1111/aec.13510 |
Rahman, M.M., Ong, D.E.L. (2024). Editorial. Geotechnical Research, 11(1), 1-2. 10.1680/jgere.2024.11.1.1 |
Haase, F.J., Vessey, C.J., Sekine, R., Doriean, N.J.C., Welsh, D.T., Otte, J.A., Hamilton, J., Canfield, D.E., Wang, Y., Lombi, E., Bennett, W.W. (2024). Reductive sorption of vanadium by iron monosulfide in seawater. Chemical Geology, 649(-), -. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.121983 |
Abkhezr, P., McMahon, M. (2024). The intersections of migration, app-based gig work, and career development: implications for career practice and research. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 24(1), 39-57. 10.1007/s10775-022-09556-w |
Bertone, E., Ajmar, A., Tonolo, F.G., Dunn, R.J.K., Doriean, N.J.C., Bennett, W.W., Purandare, J. (2024). Satellite-based estimation of total suspended solids and chlorophyll-a concentrations for the Gold Coast Broadwater, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 201(-), -. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116217 |
Zhang, F., Tang, H., Yuan, S., Li, Z., Zhang, H., Stewart, R.A., Bertone, E., Jin, G. (2024). Hydrodynamic response of a large river–lake system under flow regulation: A numerical study of Hongze lake. Journal of Hydrology, 633(-), -. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131015 |
Amarasinghe, I., Hong, Y., Stewart, R.A. (2024). Visualising a framework for enhancing material circularity in building construction projects: Drivers, barriers, and strategies. Building and Environment, 253(-), -. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111359 |
Yan, Y., Leung, A., Burke, M., McBroom, J. (2024). Understanding and including 'pink-collar' workers in employment-based travel demand models. PLoS ONE, 19(4), -. 10.1371/journal.pone.0301001 |
Daley, J.S., Stout, J.C., Brooks, A.P. (2024). Prioritising gully remediation in a Great Barrier Reef catchment: An approach using two independent methods of assessing erosion activity in 22,300 gullies. Journal of Environmental Management, 357(-), -. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120688 |
Connolly, R.M., Herrera, C., Rasmussen, J., Buelow, C.A., Sievers, M., Jinks, K.I., Brown, C.J., Lopez-Marcano, S., Sherman, C.D.H., Martínez-Baena, F., Martin, B., Baring, R., Reeves, S.E. (2024). Estimating enhanced fish production on restored shellfish reefs using automated data collection from underwater videos. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(4), 633-646. 10.1111/1365-2664.14617 |
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