Dr Raj B. Patel

Adjunct Research Fellow

I am an experimental physicist interested in the physical implementation of quantum information protocols, in particular, quantum computing using photons. My previous work has been multidisciplinary, drawing expertise from various fields such as semiconductor physics and fabrication, microscopy, low-temperature physics, photonics, optics, and quantum optics. In the past, my work has focused on developing electrical sources of single photons based on semiconductor quantum dots.

My current research interests include implementing optical quantum logic and algorithms using solid-state and heralded single-photon sources, coherent spin control in quantum dots, integrated photonics, meta-surfaces, quantum information, and quantum foundations.

At present, I am a Senior Researcher in quantum technologies at the University of Oxford and team leader of the quantum photonics sub-group in Professor Ian Walmsley's Ultrafast Quantum Optics group at Imperial College London.

Further enquiries can be made via the e-mail link below, or more directly via the social networking links


Dr Raj B. Patel

RCS1 Room 205

Quantum Optics & Laser Science Group

Imperial College London

South Kensington Campus

London, SW7 2AZ, UK


Atomic and Laser Physics

Department of Physics

Clarendon Laboratory

University of Oxford

Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU, UK


2006-2010 PhD in Physics, University of Cambridge

2002-2006 MPhys in Physics, University of Warwick

Previous positions

2018 RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

2013-2017 Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

2012-2013 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

2006-2011 Semiconductor Physics Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

2006-2011 Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Cambridge, UK

Research highlights

  • “An experimental quantum Bernoulli factory”
    R. B. Patel, T. Rudolph, G. J. Pryde, 
    Sci. Adv. 5, eaau6668 2019. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aau6668
  • “A quantum Fredkin gate”,
    R. B. Patel, J. Ho, F. Ferreyrol, T. C. Ralph, G. J. Pryde,
    Sci. Adv. 2, e1501531, 2016. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.1501531
  • “Electric-field-induced coherent coupling of the exciton states in a single quantum dot”,
    A. J. Bennett, M. Pooley, R. M. Stevenson, M. B. Ward, R. B. Patel, A. Boyer de la Giroday, N. Sköld, I. Farrer, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie, and A. J. Shields,
    Nature Physics, 6, 947-950, 2010. DOI:10.1038/NPHYS1780
  • “Two-photon interference of the emission from electrically tunable remote quantum dots”,
    R. B. Patel, A. J. Bennett, I. Farrer, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie, and A. J. Shields,
    Nature Photonics, 4, 632 - 635, 2010. DOI:10.1038/nphoton.2010.161
  • “Interference of dissimilar photon sources”,
    A. J. Bennett, R. B. Patel, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie, and A. J. Shields,
    Nature Physics , 5, 715–717, 2009. DOI:10.1038/NPHYS1373
  • “Postselective Two-Photon Interference from a Continuous Nonclassical Stream of Photons Emitted by a Quantum Dot”,
    R. B. Patel, A. J. Bennett, K. Cooper, P. Atkinson, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie, and A. J. Shields,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 207405, 2008. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.207405

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