Contributing to a better understanding of our ever-evolving world

Our award-winning staff publish in top peer-reviewed journals and academic presses and our research has real-world impact as our staff collaborate with governments and political leaders to tackle contemporary challenges.

Our expertise spans sub-disciplines such as International Relations, International Political Economy, Comparative Politics, Australian Politics, Political Theory, and Public Policy. This breadth underpins our high-quality teaching environment for undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Join us as we explore the complexities of politics, inform policy-making, and inspire future leaders.

Research with impact

Young voters, abstainers, and unregistered: Generation Z turnout in Australia

Future fellowship project on the internationalisation of nationalist populism

Youth leadership and the future of peace and security

Observing election observers

Mapping and harnessing public mistrust

Gender impacts young peoples political ambitions

The Gender Card spoke to our PhD candidate Sofia Ammassari about her research across three countries with Duncan McDonnell and Marco Valbruzzi from the University of Naples - looking at how gender impacts young people’s political ambitions.

Listen now

Higher Degree Research

As a Doctoral or Master of Philosophy candidate in the School of Government and International Relations will see you nurtured throughout your degree, and you will be ready to follow an academic or professional career upon graduation.

Our School has a strong reputation for developing emerging scholars and professionals. As a higher degree by research student, you will become part of a community, participating in the activities of the cohort and key Griffith research centres and hubs including:

We support our students every step of the way.

Developing academic skills

During the course of your degree you will work towards a range of academic milestones.  To help you achieve these goals you will undertake training and be guided in the development of your thesis through:

  • Methods courses in the first year
  • Specialised methods training intensives
  • Supportive milestone seminars throughout your candidature

Fostering teaching and mentorship

Opportunities are available to our research candidates to explore and grow their skills in imparting their knowledge through:

  • Teaching for Learning program
  • Guest lecturing

Honing presentation skills and scholarship

As a research candidate you will have access to activities that enhance your writing and guide you towards publication of your research in peer reviewed journals through:

  • Writing retreats
  • Collegial publication scheme

Preparation for life after your degree

The School of Government and International Relations provides support for your transition to post student life. During your degree you can access:

  • Professional development training
  • HDR internship (up to 6 months)

Current research candidate projects

Our candidates study a wide variety of topics in the political science field.


Considering HDR study?

Find out more information including research scholarships, finding a supervisor and how to apply.

Research study

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Higher degree by research phone
Freecall within Australia: 1800 154 055
+61 7 3735 3817
HDR Convenor: Dr Helen Berents

Brisbane South (Nathan)

(07) 3735 3817
Location and postal address
Glyn Davis Building (N72) -1.14
Griffith University
170 Kessels Road, Nathan QLD 4111 Australia

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