Get career ready

Your career starts now. Explore opportunities to gain experience, develop skills valued by employers and begin building professional networks from your first year at Griffith. Engage in industry placements, internships, industry collaborations, practice clinics, global internships, study tours, career development programs, research projects and more.

Get experience, develop networks, build skills

Go Global

Study overseas at a partner university, take a study tour, develop your cultural skills and get global experience


Enrich your studies

Find your opportunity—from academic, global and cultural experiences, innovation and entrepreneurship, leadership, professional development, sports and social, collaboration and teamwork. Explore the myriad ways you can enrich your studies while at Griffith.



Griffith offers a wide variety of mentoring programs. Explore peer-to-peer mentoring, academic mentoring and industry mentoring. Acquire leadership skills or receive guidance at any stage of your time at Griffith and beyond.

Clubs and societies

We have more than 120 clubs and societies. Make friends, build networks and find your tribe.


Volunteering is an excellent way to develop valuable skills while contributing to the wellbeing of communities. Volunteer at Griffith or search for external opportunities.

Postgraduate industry engagement

Opportunities to develop and enhance professional skills and experience.

Community Internships

Gain real work experience through helping the community, changing lives, and making the planet a better place all while gaining Academic credit. Stay local or go global.


Griffith University’s one-stop shop for finding jobs, internships, researching employers, finding events, accessing career-related resources and booking appointments with a career development consultant.

Entrepreneurship and innovation

Support for entrepreneurial thinking and transforming your ideas into reality.

External internship opportunities

Explore internship or graduate opportunities offered by organisations in private and government sectors.

Record and showcase your experience and professional development

No matter what you're studying, a digital career portfolio can help you stand out from other job-seekers.

Take our Portfolio Power course to get started:

Need to discuss your career options with our Career Development Consultants? Book an appointment today

Book an appointment