Explore career options in event management
Here you can find information on the types of careers and employment roles a event management degree may land you.
You can also discover where to look for job vacancies, as well as professional associations, mentoring and international opportunities.
A degree in event management can equip you with the principles and practices associated with planning, managing and staging special events. It explores key factors in the successful operation and management of events and facilities, and provides an understanding of the relevance of events to key stakeholders (such as corporate, non-government, government organisations, associations and communities).
Event managers design organise and coordinate conventions, conferences, corporate meetings, exhibitions, festivals and sporting events. They are responsible for every aspect from marketing, catering, signage, displays, audio-visual equipment, security and monitoring the overall budget for the venture.
Career fields
- Corporate events companies
- Hospitality and tourism sector
- Conference companies
- Sports organisations
- Marketing and public relations services
- Media services
- Cultural sectors
- State and federal government departments
- Weddings
- Trade shows
- Catering services
- Transport services
- Travel agencies
- Performing arts sector
- Venue management
Employment roles
- Events coordinator
- Conference manager
- Functions coordinator
- Events development officer
- Wedding and banquet coordinator
- Event executive
- Festival general manager
- Event manager
- Event day staff
- Project and special events coordinator
- Events and marketing assistant
- Event facilitator
- Restaurant / venue manager
- Club manager
Occupation snapshot
Annual growth
Weekly earnings
Part-time share
This data is based on the occupation profile for conference and event organisers, retrieved from the Government's Jobs and Skills Australia website July 2024.
Your employability
In addition to knowledge and skills directly related to your program of study, you will also develop a range of other skills such as teamwork, analytical, communication through academic study, employment, voluntary work, sporting and recreational activities and life experience.
Recognising the value employers place on these skills is an important factor in your graduate job search. You can further develop your employability with these resources:
Information on relevant vacancies can be found in a wide range of sources:
- CareerHub
- Prosple (formerly Grad Australia)
- GradConnection
- Australian Public Service Jobs
- Brisbane City Council vacancies
- Australian Local Government Directory
- Queensland Government jobs
- Queensland Government Graduate Portal
- Seek
- Seek events management jobs
- Zenith hospitality services
- Adzuna
Notable alumnus: Elise Giles
Elise Giles, a Griffith business graduate, received the Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Endeavour Award in 2012. This award allowed her to study and work in Hong Kong for seven months in 2013. During her time there, she completed a semester at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and undertook an internship with international events consultants MCI. Elise co-established the Hong Kong Chapter of the Australia-China Youth Association (ACYA) to foster relationships through language exchange events, cultural activities, and networking opportunities.
Job application resources
Craft a stand-out resume and cover letter, and learn how to prepare for job interviews.
Approach potential employers
Many work opportunities are not advertised, so we recommend approaching potential employers with the aim of researching their needs and how your skills, experience, interests and qualifications could match theirs.
This is called informational interviewing and will benefit you by:
- clarifying your specific career direction
- enhancing your professional network
- increasing your chances of being offered a job.
Industry outlook
The Your Career website includes helpful information such as job descriptions, employment prospects, average weekly earnings and skills requirements. Every job title in the database has a skills section to help you identify and describe essential skills for your future career.
The My Future website also has job descriptions and a useful career insight section.
The Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching website has up-to-date information on graduate salaries, especially the Graduate Outlook Survey (GOS) National Report, which contains undergraduate salary figures.
More detailed information is available at the Labour Market Insights portal.
Professional associations
Joining a professional association is a great way to interact with people in your field who can assist you to explore your career options and potentially find employment opportunities. These associations hold regular professional development and networking events:
- Professional Conference Organisers Association
- Australian Institute of Management
- Catering Institute of Australia
- Club Manager’s Association of Australia
- Venue Management Association
- Meetings and Events Australia
Students are welcome to join and often receive a discount on their membership.
The award-winning Industry Mentoring Program provides an excellent opportunity to further develop your employability and build professional networks.
The Program is available to students with more than 80CP as well as recent graduates.
Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) and is committed to fostering quality education and a more equitable and just society, where everyone has a chance to thrive while fostering partnerships for the goals.
Further careers information
Careers counselling
Individual career counselling sessions are available to all current students and recent graduates.
You can book an initial appointment via CareerHub.
Career planning
Our website has an array of career planning resources you can explore at any stage of your student journey.
Career Readiness
Check out our Career Readiness site in Learning@Griffith for additional information and resources for your career development learning:
Similar career options
Please note: The content on this webpage is a guide only. Please refer to degree-specific information and accreditation requirements of your profession on the Degree and Course Finder website and with the relevant professional accreditation body for your degree.