The School of Education and Professional Studies is one of the largest schools at Griffith and its size reflects the diversity of research conducted

The School of Education and Professional Studies is one of the largest education schools or faculties in Australia. It has a broad range of supervisory expertise among its academic staff, covering all aspects of education. The School is committed to be nationally and internationally recognised as a leader in research across the broad fields of inquiry of education, literacy, learning and related areas.

We maintain strong relationships with schools and industry partners, including two school-based teacher education centres of excellence. You'll have the opportunity to engage with experts who are moving education forward in priority areas, including teaching literacy and developing teachers as researchers.

Undertaking a higher degree by research

Find a supervisor

Identifying HDR supervisors

Applicants are expected to identify at least two possible supervisors in their application for admission. You may wish to contact the relevant HDR Convenor for advice on enrolment and potential supervisors.

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Student resources

Student resources

Comprehensive information about Higher Degree Research (HDR) including courses, application details, candidature and supervision, is available on Griffith's dedicated HDR website.

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HDR Scholarships

HDR Scholarships

We offer a range of generous scholarship programs that can cover tuition fees, living allowances paid as stipends, relocation and publication assistance. Scholarships are offered to domestic and international doctorate or masters by research applicants in two competitive application rounds each year.

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Griffith is one of Australia's leading research universities

Research and postgraduate study

Whether you're beginning your research study or continuing at a higher level, our degrees provide a unique opportunity to follow a specific interest in a particular research area.

Griffith Experts

Find a School of Education and Professional Studies academic and research expertise

Autism Centre of Excellence

Griffith’s Autism Centre of Excellence (ACE) is a multidisciplinary research initiative drawing on expertise from areas such as education, health and behavioural sciences. The Centre provides professionals working across a variety of settings, with the knowledge and skills to improve the everyday lives of people with autism and their families. The ACE seeks to support learning for people with autism across their life span and open doors of opportunity – from early childhood, to further education and employment. The Centre works collaboratively with the state and federal governments’ Education, Health and Communities portfolios.

Griffith Institute for Educational Research

Research and researchers in the School are closely aligned with the Griffith Institute for Educational Research (GIER). At Griffith Institute for Educational Research (GIER), we have one of the largest concentrations of university-based education researchers in the country. Our researchers work are an interdisciplinary coalition working to ensure that the benefits which can flow from any form of education and learning are genuinely accessible to all people in all contexts. Our focus is on the pursuit of educational and social justice, and we invest in research and research activities that generate new knowledge about diverse learners and contexts.

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