Discover your criminology opportunities
Criminology and Criminal Justice students at Griffith enjoy a wide range of experiences that get them out of the classroom and into the field. Discover our Criminology Student Society, internship and work placement opportunities or enrich and diversify your degree with a study abroad experience.

Griffith University offers a number of mentoring programs from first year to help you adjust to university life through to final year industry mentoring programs to help guide you through the transition from study to a highly successful career. Mentoring program on offer include:

Academic Excellence Society (ACES)
You could be a part of our Academic Excellence Society (ACES) which provides opportunities to first year students with OP 1-6, and current students with a GPA of 6 or more. Get exclusive perks including access to conference sponsorships, academic mentoring, career guidance and meetings with industry professionals. Eligible students will be invited to join.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
Our criminology Professional Practice course (3008CCJ) gives you an insight into the criminal justice system by working in an agency matched to your interests. Industry partners include departments in policing, communities, health, justice, security and corrections. You’ll develop skills and experience working on real projects with leading employers.
The Criminology Student Society is a student run club aimed at enriching the academic and social experiences of students. The Society organises academic events such as prison visits, lunch with professionals in the industry and work-place tours as well as letting you kick back, relax and meet your fellow students and staff at social events such as bowling nights, pub crawls and an end of year ball.

Prison Tours
Study Abroad Experience
Grace Fryer’s three weeks of travelling before starting her 6-month exchange at the University of Sheffield in the UK - were made possible by the criminology study abroad scholarship.
“By having just a bit more funding, I was able to afford living expenses as well as being able to travel around Europe. So, “thank you” to the criminology school for this wonderful opportunity! It turns out no matter where in the world you go you still talk about the same “founding fathers” of criminology and their theories’.
Grace Fryer
Bachelor of Forensic Science / Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Exchange to University of Sheffield UK 2017)
Go Global
Take your degree global, challenge yourself, impress potential employers, expand your cultural horizons, discover amazing places and form lifelong memories. Participating in an overseas program as a part of your Griffith University degree is one of the best experiences you can have at university.
Go Global
Due to the ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated closure of Australian borders, Griffith University has suspended all outbound, in-country programs until further notice. In the interim, we encourage you to explore our range of online experiences, which are eligible for funding to support your program fee. We also invite you to review our overseas mobility experiences and continue planning, so you are prepared for when outbound travel becomes available.
All programs will be reviewed prior to delivery in relation to travel advisories and student health and safety, and may not proceed if the University is not confident of both or cannot provide comprehensive insurance coverage. We recommend that students do not book travel until the program is confirmed and we will endeavor to do this as far as possible in advance.
Learn more about Griffith Go Global
CCJ Study Abroad Scholarship
Due to the ongoing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated closure of Australian borders, Griffith University has suspended all outbound, in-country programs until further notice. In the interim, we encourage you to explore our range of online experiences, which are eligible for funding to support your program fee. We also invite you to review our overseas mobility experiences and continue planning, so you are prepared for when outbound travel becomes available.
All programs will be reviewed prior to delivery in relation to travel advisories and student health and safety, and may not proceed if the University is not confident of both or cannot provide comprehensive insurance coverage. We recommend that students do not book travel until the program is confirmed and we will endeavor to do this as far as possible in advance.
Learn more about Exchange funding options
Criminology Research Internship program
Eligible students have the opportunity to gain practical experience in cutting-edge criminological research through the Criminology Undergraduate Research Internship Program. Students are mentored by criminology experts and can select an internship to suit their interests from a diverse range of research projects. Internship opportunities are offered on a competitive basis three times a year and usually last four to six weeks.
" CURIP was a fantastic opportunity which has allowed me to work alongside two incredibly influential people in criminology field in Australia. Through this internship, I have been given the opportunity to co-author a journal article for the ACEN "
Stacey Walker
CURIP Internship 2015