Queensland College of Art 2022 graduate outcomes
We're proud to present the graduate outcomes from our 2022 cohort of contemporary Australian Indigenous art, creative and interactive media, design, photography and visual arts students. Use the filter below to view work from specific degrees or specialisations.
2022 Graduate works
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Aaron James Aspiras Baldo
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
These renders are small samples of models I have completed throughout my Bachelor of Design course.
I am particularly fond of the battery operated fan, as the organic shape was interesting, in relation to manufacturability and structural rigidity.
The HIVE storage system was an exploration into rotational molded designs.

Adam John Waters
Bachelor of Photography - Documentary Photography
As a photographer, I am both a witness and documentarian of life around me. I wield my camera to craft the most truthful and respectful stories of my subjects.
Now, as I approach the end of my academic study, for the first time, myself and my house are the subject matter as I slowly dismantle my previously staunch and distinct barrier between the world and my true self.

Aedan Gallivan
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
For my capstone project I chose to do a conceptual UX design case study with the goal to improve the experience for self-directed online learners. My research for this project included an initial user survey, two user interviews, one card sorting exercise, two usability tests, and various low touch resources such as journal articles.
For the full case study please visit my website.
Aidan Donald
Bachelor of Industrial Design
During my studies at Griffith, I have applied consistent focus to the development of my Industrial Design skills and knowledge, both throughout my studies and in industry.
With a focus on sketching, detailed CAD modeling and 3D rendering techniques, I have learned to develop resolved, manufacturing-ready product designs and finely detailed product and vehicle renderings.

Aimeina Xu
Bachelor of Design - Visualisation and Immersive Design
I specialize in animation and game-making using 3D modeling.
Visit my YouTube channel for more examples of my work.

Alex Piperides
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
In my latest body of work, Like-Life, I am interested in the relationship between directly cast objects and the viewer's perception.
The direct translation of objects, like the pool noodle, carries through to the final material capturing all the marks, imperfections, wrinkles, and text indentation. The objects are re-considered and recontextualized, removing our natural perception of them.

Alexandra Dunn
Bachelor of Photography - Advertising Photography
'Imperfectly Me' explores aspects of my experience with the chronic auto-inflammatory disease Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
If you were to see me in public, you would never know what lies beneath. This series looks into the effects the condition has had on my body, such as scarring, flares and also the medications that I use. Though it may seem gruesome to some, it is my everyday reality.

Amanda Bennetts
Bachelor of Fine Art - Photographic Art Practice
Using found footage and film samples as the raw material, this video installation dissects and reframes the representation of the ill and medicalised body in popular culture, which centralises and celebrates the narratives of the abled-bodied protagonists whilst reducing illness experiences to a short-lived spectacle used as a commodification for observation, entertainment and curiosity.
Watch the teaser video, The Spectacle of the Antagonist.visual-arts

Amelia Krajewski
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business - Interior Design and Environments
An astute and collaborative professional with demonstrated success in creating residential and commercial spaces tailored to individual needs. Timelessness, practicality and exclusiveness are values central to each design.
Key strengths include proposing designs based on client's briefs, guiding clients to visualise and achieve outcomes that evoke emotions and an authentic communicative approach.

Ana Maria Camargo Bustamante
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
As a product designer, I am drawn to sustainability and the environment.
My designs include sustainable materials, or incorporate nature.
Here are some of the examples I am most proud of, with sustainability as the essential factor.
2-IN-1 Crib: A project to solve homelessness that consists of a crib that can convert into two single beds.
Plant Stand: A concept more aesthetically pleasing to give more importance to the plants in an indoor environment.
Garden Table: A project inspiring people to grow their own food.

Andrea Greenslade
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Hi! I'm a passionate graphic design student living and creating in Brisbane.
Within my designs, I value creativity, symmetry and detail. Whether I'm designing books, posters, branding, products or websites, I always strive for beauty and balance.

Ari Grace Marfiga
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
My journey with art and design has been a very rocky one, however, my love for art still grows more and more. My love for art stems from my dream to make people feel joy and happiness.
My art and designs grow with me as I learn and explore the medium more and I think it shows through my works.

Beatrice Hopper
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business - Interior Design and Environments
Throughout my double degree, Bachelor of Design (Interior)/Bachelor of Business (Marketing), I have developed a range of skills that I have utilised to create various projects. By undertaking a marketing major along with my interior design major, I have been able to bring a new perspective to my design work.
I am a creative designer that approaches each project with a positive attitude.

Bonnie Qin
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Expand is a series that reflects on the way water flows to and against everything it surrounds. Water is both firm and forgiving in its relationship with a submerged body. Both body and water potentially extend outside of the canvas to reflect on the meaning of taking up space.
What makes the works in Expand different to historical representations of the female nude is their reference to touch.

Brandon Gatzias
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
I mix illustration with my design projects and want to explore mixing analogue media with digital.
I have a background as a steel frame detailer/modeller and have been freelancing as a Graphic Designer for 2 years.
When I'm not designing you will find me listening to jazz music, working out and learning Greek!
1. The Brunswick Hotel commissioned me to design their banner for the 2021 Brisbane Pride march.
2. My first illustrative isometric map concept for Griffith Film School.
3. A custom modular typeface intertwining within imagery for the cover of Griffith's Photography catalogue.

Bridie White
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Held or worn as jewellery, each work establishes an intimate relationship between wearer and creature – an attempt at 'kin-making‚' in an era of ecosystem collapse. Having thrived on Earth for 450 million years, the cockroach offers a sense of resilience, a connection to deep time.
The wearer challenges their-self and others to revere not revile this tiny domestic monster; to see it as precious.

Britney Herbert
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Control and Non-Control is an exploration of the relationship between control and chance. The gestural works construct a visual psychological dichotomy between controlled watercolours and large-scale chance works, culminating in the form of a wire sculpture.
The works focus on the performance of creating, utilising gestural repetition and chance, motivated by unexpected outcomes.

Brittany Long
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
This group of paintings address Postpartum Depression and birth trauma. As a postpartum doula, I have come to appreciate the idiosyncratic nature and vulnerability of childbirth, therefore I have chosen to use painting to address PPD rather than use this issue to make paintings.

Charlotte Cooper
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design / Graphic and Communication Design
My goal is to create multifunctional designs that draw attention to issues and make people stop and think.
My true passion is 3D product design and working with my hands to turn ideas into physical structures, empowering positive change.
I aim to work improving accessibility and create products to improve function but also enhance individuals' outlooks on disability and their quality of life.
product-3d, graphic-communication

Chelsea Chun
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business
Throughout my studies, I have found my passion to create and develop products and solutions that inspire people and organisations for positive change.
By studying marketing in alongside graphic design, I have grown a greater appreciation for the foundation and research stages of a project which support the visual elements to create an effective final outcome.

Chloe Delmargo Healy-Johnson
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Breath No Longer Breath interrogates the threshold between personal and external space.
The series contemplates personal space as unfixed, with boundaries that expand and retract through and beyond the body, like breath. To investigate the oscillating boundaries of my own personal space, I have gridded and fragmented my bedroom window - a physical representation of this threshold.

Christopher Morris
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
Inclusive Mechanical Rise and Fall Basin for public venues such as a restaurant bathroom.
Injection Molded Desk Fan with the ability to swap sides using wireless power transfer via contact pins.
AR Glasses that better meet consumer comfort with remote server computing and USB-C charging.
I earned a Griffith Award for Academic Excellence in 2021.
View Christoper's Linkedin profile

Claudia Marmissolle
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
In my early years, I became a natural maker. Slowly, I developed my passion for education, design, and arts and crafts. Nowadays, my interest in supporting artists has inspired me to draft a Social and Cultural Enterprise, as a special space for people with disabilities where we can learn and work together, design, and create products and art, with the mission of promoting social equality.
Connor Dowling
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
I wish to focus on the concept of worshipping and the idolisation of higher celestial beings or 'Gods' for one's own personal gain, whether it be power, fear or wealth.
I will depict this by transforming traditional characters of worship with the horrification of such beings, while utilising ink on paper that has been sewn together.

Courtney Simpson
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
In this series of works I use sinister and cinematic scenes where figures loom, angles tilt and light recedes out of reach in a haunting portrayal of my own worst fears.
My paintings speak on the uncontrollable menace of our own minds, specifically citing fears on bodily safety, surveillance, the subconscious, abortion rights, and mortality. I hope to dissect contemporary fear.

Courtnie McGrath-Kerr
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Art and dance have been tied together throughout history. In this work, I am exploring body image through the lens of growing up in a dancing school environment. I am using the mediums of print and sculpture to represent and take impressions of movement.
Sometimes I Feel Like My Body Isn't Mine highlights the detachment that dancers can feel from their own bodies and the issues that ensue.
Daisy Brindza
Bachelor of Creative and Interactive Media/Bachelor of Business
Design will always be around us. The words ‚'create' and 'design' have always sparked a sense of enthusiasm and excitement within me.
I have a passion for branding and identity in particular, and gain a sense of fulfilment in creating designs that are aesthetically pleasing bespoke, and fun.
Whilst studying I have been fortunate to work as a graphic designer for over 2 years, gaining knowledge in print and digital media, as well as apparel and merchandise. Over those years, I had the pleasure to do commission-based work for a range of clients.

David Hartwin
Bachelor of Photography - Documentary Photography
These works explore the complex relationship of industrialization and nature, focusing on environmental impacts.
The photographic series showcases instances of pollution through images layered with symbols of industry, within suburban areas around Brisbane, and aims to inspire the audience to consider their own positionality around waste.

Diane Green
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Parley combines two conflicting drives within me. The paintings of couples represent safety, tradition, skill, beauty. The motley collection of single sculptures represents playfulness, freedom, irreverence, the everyday. The latter rebels against the former. The former holds firm. Each drive exists in reactive relationship to the other. Materialising this coexistence brokers uneasy peace for now.

Douglas Maina
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
Over the past 3 years, I've had the opportunity to immerse myself into the world of interior and spatial design. The following images represent some of my recent works that mainly focus on drawing attention to social issues.

Ebony Wilmott
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
The stained-glass installations use the formal language of abstraction to interpret musical compositions. Each note from an excerpt of music is assigned a coloured glass, translating the cadence of the piece into a visual rhythm. Using the grid as a framework, rubbings taken from tiled public and private spaces, become the blueprint from which the dimensions of the glass squares are determined.

Eckard van Jaarsveld
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
I am an industrial designer that focusses on creating physical products and objects that are ready for manufacturing. I am passionate about the automotive industry, but have come to love working and designing everyday objects.
The Canry is a working product that was programmed to detect various gas in a mining environments and warn the user through utilising three of our human senses: sight, touch, sound. This product was created to increase the level of safety for miners after recent incidents across the world.

EJ Angela Dolor
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
Throughout my university journey, I have gained a greater understanding and broadened my awareness of the importance and effects of spatial design in our daily lives, including how the chaotic design progress dominates the whole outcome of the design project.
As an interior designer, to provide my clients a design solution that satisfies their needs and aesthetics is what I consider being successful.
As an emerging interior designer, I prefer to live a simple life, providing the best I can for my clients, while also allowing myself to grow from the opportunities and experiences coming my way.

Elise Selway
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
Throughout my product design course I have gained a broad range of skills and knowledge, including 3D modelling, prototype making, and manufacturing. My passion is furniture design but I have designed a range of products including light fixtures, playgrounds, assistive devices and more.
Angre Cow: Designed for The Great and Grand Rumpus at SLQ. The design was to be made entirely of cardboard and had to be inspired by a child's drawing.
Reverse Loft Bed: Designed for university students that struggle with lack of space. The design combines storage, desk and bed into one.
Waterfall Plant Stand: A simple, unique design made to bring greenery into the home.

Emily Garred
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Solastalgia: Memories Lost to Time. Solastalgia is the emotional distress caused by environmental change. This series draws from the tradition of mourning jewellery by holding memories of environments lost.
Comprising a collection of miniature frames containing fragile and organic elements, designed to warp and degrade overtime, these pieces mimic the anxiety of loss and fading of memory.
Emma Gow
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
My work explores the ways in which technology and image sharing have influenced how we construct our memories and identity.
I’m fascinated by the loss of autonomy brought on by our collective buy-in to ‘algorithmic citizenship’ - the ways we build our personal and collective narratives are now controlled by corporate tools.
By interpreting this influence through my paintings, projections and objects, I’m reflecting on the disintegration of personal memory and its amalgamation with the collective experience of all those living with this technology.

Emma Sawyer
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
I'm an enthusiastic designer with experience across visual communication and immersive design. I have a flair for storytelling and love bringing it to life in 2D and 3D.
I love getting stuck into a variety of projects and find great joy in working collaboratively. I'm very passionate about social and environmental justice and will bring these values along with me after graduation.

Etaine Carr
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Exploring topics that push the boundaries of societies norms is what I consider to be the core value of both my skills in graphic and interior design.
My passions lie deep within projects that advocate for those whose voices may be silenced, striving to provide meaning and purpose to the work I create.
I hope to expand my skills and find my voice within design as I progress alongside professionals.

Faith Brown-Bates
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business - Product and 3D Design
For as long as I can remember I have been creating. From my first drawing in pre-school to my first piece of furniture, I have always had the drive to experiment and create.
My passion extends to the environment around me and how I can improve it. Through this avenue, I am able to pursue marketing and public speaking to present my work.

Ferdinand Humlen Dahlbo
Bachelor of Design - Visualisation and Immersive DesignDigital Arts and Design
Image 1: A render of a tropical island that I created in Unreal engine 5. It is an improved variation of the terrainscaping submission for my Immersive Design major.
Image 2: A render from Unreal Engine 5 of a 'TARDIS' emerging from a portal. A TARDIS is a time machine disguised as a police box from one of the longest running TV-shows, Doctor Who.

Gene Wilson
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
As an emerging graphic designer, my intent is to create designs that to connect with people through empathy, understanding and reverence.
I am motivated by the desire to implement positive change so environmental and social advocacy is at the forefront of what I do. I enjoy experimenting and exploring different ways of challenging the norm through curiosity and careful consideration.

Georgia Greenway
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business
I have taken one design project from each year studying my 3D and product design major to show the progression of creativity.
Each project has allowed me to build on my knowledge about materials and processes of manufacturing, techniques of building in 3D software and time management of creating sketches, constructing and documenting the design process.
View Georgia's Behance profile

Georgia Johnson
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business
Throughout my 4 years of study at Griffith University, I have immersed myself in the world of business and interior design and discovered my passion for branding and visual design.
Post-university I hope to implement the knowledge, career-making skills, and contacts Griffith has equipped me to navigate my professional pathway.
Georgia Williams
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business
In 2022 I completed work in LiveWorm. This project was my favourite to work on the concept and used a lot of perspective, designed to be like the director's filming style.
Hand'e Down is a concept I pitched during my Action Research class and is intended to present my skills in both marketing and design. This is a sustainable clothing brand that uses print designs to repair and repurpose clothing.
View Georgia's Behance profile

Germaine Chin
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
As someone who comes from a multicultural background, I'm passionate about creating space and representation for marginalised communities through design.
Over the past three years, I've grown and evolved immensely as a designer, navigating and learning through (many) trial-and-errors.
View Germaine's Behance profile

Gillian Browning
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
A snapshot of the isolation experienced over the course of weeks, exploring a self-imposed exile and what effect this can have on your mental freedom and the characters that inhabit your personal space. Your family, phone and pets become trapped within these imaginary restraints and become the characters, and lifeline, to normalise your day.

Grace Butterfield
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
The work is about capturing a moment in time that isn't revolutionary, but mundane. The exhibition is about choosing to see the beauty in the everyday and allowing ourselves this pleasure.
I appreciate colour, form, texture, and objects, and this is what translates onto the canvas. The aim of my work is to encourage the viewer to stop even just for a second and enjoy the little things in their life.

Hailey Jeong
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Through studying Graphic and Communication Design, I have been engaged to explore different design elements and found a love for branding, illustrations, and layouts.
I immersed myself in the world of graphics and design during my three years at QCA, and I am proud to introduce myself as an enthusiastic designer who received a Griffith Award for Academic Excellence in both 2020 and 2021.

Hannah Brouard
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Born and raised in Mauritius, my work focuses on representing everyday life from my community through photorealistic paintings. I draw attention to daily scenes, and people living in a developing nation. I emphasise overlooked beauty, giving importance to the general public and accustomed places while paying careful attention to small details that make a space unique, memorable or relatable.

Heejung Lia Jang
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
These paintings are self-portraits of landscapes; these represent my identity, personalities, values, and beliefs. Even though these are my self-portraits, I decided not to add any figures to create metaphoric and symbolic aspects.
I carefully depict specific places, times and memories which reflect who I am. Furthermore, I applied symbolic mediums to clearly connect myself and the landscape.

Helen Hardess
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours)
Curiouser converses with the seriousness of contemporary art on the Anthropocene.
Numbed by disaster narratives and moral imperatives, it asks if absurdity and humour can aid in processing our times' emotional buffeting.
Refusing the informative, it enlists queer theory's playful and disruptive affects, and speculative fiction's New Weird, to present moments of absurdity and impossibility.

Hye Won Lee
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
My work explores the felt experience of spiritual faith within the context of everyday life. It aims to encourage viewers to consider the idea that the sublime is not reserved, only to be experienced on rare occasions, but that it is hidden in every moment, available to all who may seek it.

Imogen Corbett
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
My paintings capture interior portraits as an ordinary, everyday space made extraordinary through the detailed rendering of the surface.
Referencing 19th century Realism and 1960's Photo Realism, the everyday trope is used to unveil overlooked aspects of existence and routine.
My paintings combine a realistic rendering with everyday subject matter, to foster a connection between the viewer and subject through familiarity.

Isaac Haring
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
Isabelle Cowan
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)
This project uses Richard Serra's Verb List (1967) as a framework to examine the function of process, iteration, and labour in contemporary art practice.
The work creates an input/output relationship between Serra's obscure written prompts and reactive, immediate drawings of found objects. It examines the role of the artist as a machine for making.
Ivy Minniecon
Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art - Expanded Practice
I am a descendant of the Kuku Yalanji, Kabi Kabi, Gureng Gureng and South Sea Islander Nations. My art practice is grounded in belonging.
I have been a practicing community artist for the past decade and my art practice is grounded in belonging, living, breathing and being one with Country, embracing, developing and understanding my belonging and purpose to place.

Jack Bingham
Bachelor of Fine Art - Expanded Practice
I have been working intuitively with textiles as a sustained release of energy which connects to the domestic. Our forced connection to the interior over the last few years has made me deeply consider materials used to create a homely space.
My soft sculptures are an extension of abstract expressionism within the context of textile markmaking.

Jackson Hambridge
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
In the Panopticon Pharmacy, I aim to highlight the absurdities of our social contracts, focusing on the constant surveillance we submit ourselves to and a desire to be 'seen'. Its design is such that it puts the participants on display as much as the products contained therein, as a means of considering the price of normalcy.

James Whyte
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
The Dining Cellar - A small yet luxury item for a medium to a large-sized dining table that holds two small to large wine bottles for your guests.
Surface - A footpath add-on that allows your animal companion to cool their feet on a hot summer day and hydrate using a pressure plate-operated system.
Generative Design - Using trials from Fusion 360 to experiment with generative design.

Jan Rueben Escano
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
My name is Jan. I am in my final year at university. I love branding, fashion, and poster designs. I tie all my university projects to a social cause that I am passionate about.

Janet Dovers
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
A dream image of chair growing a plant led to a journey of research into the historic and current production and trade systems of crop plants that contribute to my comfortable, White, Western lifestyle.
The ten coloured drawings incorporate representations of the pernicious and lethal impacts of these systems, the colonial artifacts of maps, flags and botanical illustration, and domestic chairs.

Janet Fletcher
Master of Visual Arts
Through engagement with created objects of performance, I seek to create a living archive/alternate world in which Australian myths are interrogated from a female viewpoint.
By manipulating particularly Australian iconography from folklore, pop culture, and art history, I aim to expose the myths perpetuating in Australian culture that bind us to our colonial and misogynistic past.

Janice Edwards
Master of Visual Arts
My practice as an environmental artist focuses on coral, personally researched and photographed on the Great Barrier Reef.
Anthropomorphic attitudes have led to damage to climate change and global warming. My paintings aim to represent coral as a valuable element in the ecosphere, and show qualities which are important in maintaining environmental balance and hence encourage its protection.

Jasmin Harris
Bachelor of Fine Art/Bachelor of Business
Using oil paint as a medium, I intertwine nostalgia and the physical body, rooting the shifting nature of memories into an experience within the body that is instantly recognisable. Sunburns, blisters, and scraped knees, obscure family photos, tainting what may have been pleasant memories with images of the abject, intending to draw out visceral reactions reminiscent of a bodily experience.

Jemma Elise Harrigan
Bachelor of Photography - Documentary Photography
A Silent Journey is about miscarriage and the isolation and grief that is felt through this common event.
This work is a collaboration with Laura Douglas, who miscarried twins, and uses portraiture, as well as nature as a reflection of feelings and journeys.
Through documentary, this story speaks up against the silence of miscarriage in society, to give a sense of the isolation felt and shared.

Jeniffer Cecele Petty
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Life Takes Time consists of five canvas oil paintings, portraying an autobiographical, narrative approach to ageing and associated health issues of osteoarthritis and breast cancer.
Using a flat figurative style, each painting symbolizes mixed feelings of isolation, powerlessness, reflection, adjustment and hope, where art replaces past losses, and features as a positive outcome for the future.

Jenny Tran
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
With the world utilising technology ever so quickly, I illustrate artworks that share the comical and depressive parts of social media.
This concept dives into multiple perspectives, using traditional drawing techniques that translate into digital art.
How I demonstrate these concepts use the body in anime/cartoonish style, inspired by various artworks in Australian and Japanese contemporary art.

Josh Bakkum
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Old enough to be disillusioned with most systems, I stepped away from the life I had. I started developing a non-systematic approach to my art and my life.
Making marks without consideration, I began to use art as a response to things around me, taking time to notice moments. I am guided by happenings, circumstance and chance. I learn from the process itself, praxis.

Josie Claire Fawckner
Bachelor of Photography - Advertising Photography
Ain't no Sob Story documents the lives of Steven and Colin, two men who live in remote Queensland where access to support and services for their physical impairments are limited.
This project seeks to explore the well-known narrative of the Aussie Battler and the everyday realities that exist between disability and determination, man and landscape, and adversity and resilience.
Josslin Smith
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
The last few years have been a creative blast. Featured are some of my favourite projects showcasing my passion for visual exploration, illustration and branding design.
This year I was lucky enough to work with the team at SWELL Sculpture Festival and have received Griffith Academic Excellence awards for each year of study. Can't wait to see what the future holds!
Julian Mckennariey
Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art (Honours) - Studio Art
The project Red Ochre and Spirit was designed with the third aspect of Art Therapy. It concentrates on the self-directed creation making process to relieve stresses and anxieties.
This creative process includes dreaming and dream imagery to initiate the viewer through the art. These artworks re-imagine Indigenous Rock Art in a way that brings attention to Indigenous youth incarceration.

Kara Bust
Bachelor of Photography/Bachelor of Business
Photography, digital media, and collage 'Consume' our every day.
Exploring pathos as a tactic of persuasion, I turn the gaze of appropriated advertising materials on themselves. In response to 'activating the consumer,' scale, exaggeration, and metaphorical play also invites the viewer to consider the human-object relationship and the role of mass-media in art. Also included: sample earlier works.
Achievements include: membership to Golden Key International Honour Society (2021); photographic publications in five international fashion and beauty magazines (2020 and 2021); contributing artist in three group exhibitions (2020); Griffith Award for Academic Excellence (2019 and 2020).

Kathryn Neilsen
Bachelor of Fine Art - Photographic Art Practice
My practice aims to showcase body diversity and reclaim the feminine nude, while discovering intricate connections to the universe through human experience.
Years of art practice have been a monumental tool for self-discovery, exploring emotionally fuelled topics, mental health, and body image through film and digital photography.

Kathy Mack
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)
The often ignored effects of migration can have deep and ongoing implications, fragmenting and distorting the unstable experience of memory.
Through hybrid painting practices, these works consider the agential force of society and culture in shaping personal narrative, where liminal space can be ambiguous and uncanny as well as transgressive and transformative.

Kim Deuker
Bachelor of Fine Art - Photographic Art Practice
I am a fine artist working with photography, printmaking and painting to explore a visualisation of my human experience and affects utilizing the materiality of the analogue process.
With key themes as the body, modern psychology and philosophy, my works employ a surreal and self-reflecting impression by drawing the line between blurring memories and awakening.

Kim Smith
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Diamonds Aren't Forever, But Plastic Is confronts the waste created by consumerist culture, specifically fast fashion.
Drawing on found object jewellery, ethical jewellery practices and installation art, the work focuses on unsustainable manufacturing processes and the transient value of specific mass-produced materials.

Kristen Box
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
I love every aspect of graphic design, the iterative process from start to finish is something I thoroughly enjoy. What I love about Interior Design is making people feel a certain way, by curating the space around them.
This degree has allowed me to explore my creativity while keeping ideologies on important social issues, which is something I would love to continue into my professional career.

Lachlan Campbell
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Having an interest in art, drawing and other creative endeavours for as long as I can remember has brought me to studying graphic design. I have a passion for both digital and traditional design methods.
From creating posters for sport organisations, drawing comic book art and designing graphics for various businesses, I have developed a wide skillset throughout the years.

Laney Kaylen Wright
Bachelor of Photography - Photographic Art Practice
Women Reflected is a series of photographic portraits that look at womens' relationship with their bodies, through mirror reflections, constructed scenes and artist-model interactions.
The use of the nude explores the beauty in varying female forms while using mirrors as a device to observe different perspectives and relationships of women and to explore the models body confidence.

Leanne Cochrane
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
I have a keen interest in pursuing a career in digital design, media and marketing with promotional tourism being a particular passion.
During my course, I did two electives in digital media and gained some experience in Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. I absolutely loved the whole process involved in creating these works.

Levi Wolfgang Babbage
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Through this body of work, I have been exploring the complicated nature of interpersonal relationships through the ideas of Carl Jung's theory of the psychological representation of dragons and what they represent – delving into the idea that each person's inner dragons come to represent past traumas and psychological block, that can impact and influence people.
View Levi Wolfgang's Instagram

Lindsey Collier
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Re-Nascence appropriates female nudes from the Renaissance period to critically reflect on the harmful expectations placed on the vulnerable maternal psyche during the postpartum period.
I aim to question the historical gaze as a metaphor for the desire of intimacy following the wake of my pre-maternal self. The large scale paintings use a contemporary approach to traditional oil painting technique.

Luna-Anais Noordanus
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
I want to visually contrast the difference between the 'sinking dread' of mourning and the 'devastation' of melancholia through the process of animation, ambient music, and poetry.
I aim to create an immersive emotional experience to connect with those who have experienced grief or a form of mental illness and create a platform for those people to be expressed, validated and understood.

Lyn Haddon
Bachelor of Fine Art
False Flora memorialises the evolutionary impact of waste on nature and individuals.
The work confronts consumerist society's material obsessions by questioning contemporary concepts of preciousness, materiality and beauty.
Salvaged artificial flowers evolve to become harmonious encrusted motifs, completely inorganic and curated in appearance.

Lynn Marie Hughes
Bachelor of Fine Art/Bachelor of Business
Shattered's key themes are societal influences on relationships within the home, where communication is a complex human interaction. Glass is a metaphor that has similar properties as relationships, using dualities of fragility and strength, and if broken, they are hard to repair.
My artworks utilising text and images of glass are puzzles that resist an easy interpretation.

Mackenzie O'Sullivan
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
I am a passionate and driven designer, who approaches every project with a positive attitude and critical thinking.
My skills and passions lie in 3D modelling, prototyping, small object design and areas within graphic design such as packaging.
Through my work, I focus on creating aesthetic products that improve a person's quality of life and engage in inclusive and accessible design practices.
View Mackenzie's Behance profile
Madeleine Draheim
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)
An attempt to narrow the gap between high and low visual culture in art, this series of works uses gestural painting to transform digital imagery and bring them into a space of appreciation.
Through mark-making, colour and precise rendering, these works intertwine traditional painting methods inspired by Abstract Expressionism with characters and icons pulled from one's own adolescent nostalgia.

Maggie Nash
Bachelor of Photography/Bachelor of Business
Privacy Unveiled draws a connection between the unseen behind the closed doors of Queensland homes and the seen within the public sector.
Combining private and public life, this series of photographs is displayed resembling CCTV surveillance monitors, highlighting the repetitive themes of everyday life that occurs both in private and in public.

Marley Bitton
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
The journey of personal experience shapes the way in which I design. Over the years, inspiration from curvature in forms, nature and trends focused around outside design sources such as fashion and beauty all play a part in my final design outcomes.
I am passionate about most areas of design, including interior design, product design, fashion design and graphic design.

Mary Jo Cleary
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Domestic Interior advocates for the labour of women in the domestic space.
Stitching reinforces the notion of feminine iconography. Motifs and figures are derived from my domestic surrounds. Painted and textile panels are interlocked resulting in vibrating colours and patterns. This assemblage of contrasting surfaces symbolizes the many obstacles the home environment negotiates.

Maureen Varnavsky
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
OBSCURITY addresses the issue of Ageism in society, as it affects women.
The common Ageist beliefs in today's society are that older people have weaker physical and cognitive capabilities; are resistant to change; pose a burden on society. My project challenges those beliefs.

Max Conley
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Domestic and industrial commodities from heterogenous origins are repurposed as a vehicle for abstraction. Pre-determined compositional systems erase selfhood to the mechanism of painting: rotations of metallic & beige tones. Stripped of referent, the intrinsic formal qualities hold their own agency. In turn, the commodities are estranged, presenting slippages between the familiar and unfamiliar.

Maya Peters
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Horrors of the Unknown explores the idea that the subject matter in the horror film genre are derived from the unknown.
The viewer is invited to sit in a chair that is placed in front of a TV screen, which is the perspective of the mysterious creature that stands behind the chair. This reflects the moments of when I watch films from the horror genre, I feel as though there is a presence behind me.

Mia Gribbin
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Continuing my exploration in representing embodied experiences of place, I am made, of the softest grass, of the warmest earth focuses on personal, bodily sensations within natural and urban landscapes.
Through material, scale and space this work draws upon elements of certain environments while collapsing the boundaries between them and the body.
Miao Ji
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
I am an international student from China. I studied graphic and communication design. The learning content of this major is extensive and interesting.
I have learned a wealth of design knowledge, especially brand design, font design and typesetting design, which are several aspects that I am very interested in.

Milla McGill
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Throughout my time at QCA I have had the opportunity to improve my design knowledge and skills, as well as confidence in myself as a designer. I have found a love for branding and typography, and love using design as a problem solving tool to improve or brighten someone's day/experience.
Love Marks: A branded product range and promotion celebrating self-love and acceptance.
The Cat's Meow: A typeface intended to educate and reflect the style and impact of the 1950s/60s jazz scene.
The UpWord Project: A branded public art campaign, aiming to foster connection and belonging.
Minrui Wang
Bachelor of Design - Visualisation and Immersive Design
Project 1: This project was co-produced by Shikai Wang and myself. The theme of this project is to build houses with passive design to improve thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption. We researched the building materials, structure and energy aspects of the building and worked to make the project environmentally friendly.
Project 2: A goblin bust in ZBrush.

Miranda Rodwell
Bachelor of Fine Art - Photographic Art Practice
Virtues Undiscovered is a series of photographs that explores ideas of making the neglected visible by questioning what we value as important. Still life and nature photography work to develop a more layered, holistic, and informed approach to weeds.
The series aims to create an emotional response by spotlighting their beauty and significance whilst questioning what is classified as a weed.

Mitchell Bradley Blackborough
Bachelor of Design (Honours)
I am a highly dedicated industrial designer and I am excited by the idea of pursuing a career that will allow me to create unique user-centered products to better the way we live.
The following pieces have been carefully curated to exhibit specific skills taken from each task.
I strive to develop these further throughout my professional career as an industrial designer.

Morgan Lee
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Over the duration of my degree I have come to understand how much design influences our environments in the way we think, interact and feel. In this time, I have realised my passion for branding, large scale murals and collaboration.
One of my favourite experiences at university has been undertaking two internships in the Liveworm Studio and is something I would love to pursue in the future.

Morrigan Gray
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business - Graphic and Communication Design
To me, being a graphic designer is about having a love and passion for experimentation and pushing boundaries. It's this love and passion that has fuelled the evolution of me becoming the designer I am today. Pushing outcomes further than a simple fulfilment of a brief is the type of direction I will always strive for.

Nicholas Davison
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
I have been able to learn so much from these projects and the past couple of years studying this major and have felt that I can and will make an impact through my design approach and create spaces that will be inviting, functional and aesthetically pleasing to accommodate everyone.
Awarded 2019 and 2020 Griffith Awards for Academic Excellence.
View Nicholas' Behance profile

Nila Mitchell
Master of Visual Arts
The Double Room is a video installation that uses the domestic environment to evoke contemporary notions of the sublime. It seeks an epiphany of eternity by rupturing the flow of linear time and defamiliarising the viewer's perception of the mundane. It asks the viewer to slow down and be here now.
View the video, The Double Room.

Onellia Slijderink
Bachelor of Fine Art - Expanded Practice
In the beating and transformation of clothing to pulp, I find myself in the act of destroying while simultaneously creating.
By connecting through my worn clothing as a second skin and a medium, I can begin to explore, understand, and reflect upon the complexities of self.

Paul Ledington
Master of Visual Arts
My work examines the idea of digital space and the dynamic digital image, exploring the ways that dynamic images can be generated out of still images, a form of digital image abstraction. The digital image involves transitions from physical to virtual and back.
This theme is developed using physical objects to alter the display of the digital image and reflect upon the digital/physical interface.

Peter Stevens
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
This work is part of my ongoing exploration of isolation.
In my work I collect fallen Norfolk Island Pine fronds from Redcliffe in the Moreton Bay region and arrange them into an aerial perspective image onto canvas.
Through lockdowns and restricted travel rules I afford time to the natural beauty of my local area and make visible what can often go unseen and forgotten in our daily routines.
Phoebe Ye
Bachelor of Photography - Advertising Photography
This series of prints explore ideas of female selfhood and experiences influenced by socio-cultural stereotypes and domestic pressures.
These images focus on the emotional dimension in a surreal and sensual style to invoke multiple layers of moods and invite viewers to challenge their perceptions and biases by unveiling the complexities and shape-shifting nature of identity.

Quinn Phillips
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
While studying at QCA, I strengthened my design skills and unearthed my unique visual style. I am an optimistic, yet critically creative person, who loves to communicate ideas and themes through visual media. I'm looking forward to exploring what this field of visual communication can teach me post-graduation.
I have received the Griffith Award for Academic Excellence every year I have been at university. In my third year, I was lucky enough to be brought on board as a team member on the Griffith Design and Marketing team. This opportunity has allowed me to practice and grow further as a designer.

Rebecca Cameron
Bachelor of Design - Visualisation and Immersive Design
I study and produce visualisation design, along with immersive projects through today's ever-growing technology.
I've been lucky enough to experience how to create 3D models, apply texture mappings and go through the rendering process in different programs. I decided to pursue these skills due to my fascination of storytelling.
I'm always up for learning new skills when necessary to expand my boundaries and adapt to any work environment I may find myself in.
View Rebecca's Behance profile

Renee Kire
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours)
I am an installation-based artist using my practice to highlight the historical gender gap.
Rearrangeable Perceptions is a body of work which explores how emphasising the feminine in contemporary installation art can disrupt the masculine conventions of minimalist sculpture. The outcome is a series of three-dimensional rectangular shapes which curve and bend in unconventional ways.

Rob Gordon
Bachelor of Design - Product and 3D Design
After many years working in telecommunications, I decided to follow my dream of becoming a designer and make a difference in the world of product and immersive design.
Studying design at Griffith, I have gained valuable skills in good design processes and thinking. I'm looking forward to joining the community of designers to help make the world a better place through good design.

Robyn Wood
Bachelor of Photography - Advertising Photography
I employ the minuscule as a way of metaphorical remembering. Macro flower photographs communicate my experiences of sensory loss caused by multiple sclerosis, while my works on paper embody an understanding of print culture, materials and techniques.
Recent works explored the history of Dior by employing silk fibres as a metaphor for the threads of fashion history.
Achievements include: Inaugural Cobalt Editions/QCA Print Studio Intern (2022); Co-lead on Unpacked/Unpacking Print 4 Folio Project (2021); Griffith Student Mentor and Student Ambassador; Recipient of Griffith University Award for Academic Excellence (2019 and 2020).

Sakuni Rangana Senevirathna
Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Business - Interior Design and Environments
As a business and design student I've had the opportunity to experience the best of both disciplines.
My Interior designs are largely inspired by wonderful elements found in nature. I aim to design relaxing and welcoming interiors with the use of colours and lighting. I am passionate about conscious designs and biophilic design.

Saloni Saran Aligh
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Now You See Me is a series of intricate gothic oil paintings that transcribe discombobulating childhood memories and relational traumas.
The paintings are not a revelation, but a reconciliation of unconscious traumas, cultural myths, and sense memories. They visualise the liminal haunting of the consciousness by the wounded inner child, that reaches out like a spirit, desperate and distorted.

Sam Summers
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
These snapshots are some examples of my work over the course of the 4 years. The highlights of my degree have certainly been based in team project work, which is a true reflection of the professional design industry.
It is my hope that with further refinement of some technical skills, that these projects can serve as an advertisement of my capabilities as a designer. Some of this project work is currently in progress. My intention as a graduate and emerging designer is to fully flesh out the designs and concepts proposed post-graduating to further bolster and curate my professional portfolio.

Samara Sutton-Baker
Bachelor of Photography - Advertising Photography
Do we possess profound relationships with the spaces we inhabit?
Photographs of Altered Landscapes is a depiction of the ambiguous relationships I have shared with urban landscapes since departing the township of Jabiru at ten years old.
Objective sites of serial sequence and structure unravel upon investigation of the relationship between the urban landscape and the social processes that shape it.

Sarah Brown
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
Throughout my four years of study, I had the opportunity to create works that showcase not just my skills, but my interests and passions.
While studying a double major of Interior Design and Environments and Graphic and Communication Design, I have been able to develop my software skills in the Adobe Creative sweep, Revit, Enscape and Procreate.
View Sarah Ruby's Behance profile

Saxon Hunter
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Throughout my degree, I have discovered a passion for branding, layouts, banner design, illustration, and design thinking strategies.
I particularly enjoy human-centered design and working alongside clients to solve design challenges.
Being a motivated, organised, and visually creative person, I have excelled in my studies receiving the Griffith Award for Academic Excellence in 2020 and 2021.

Sean Williams
Master of Visual Arts
This body of work is an exploration of materiality, and the ability of an object to retain and express memory. To harness the embodied memories of discarded agricultural implements they are assembled into a representational form that aligns in some way with the object memory. This shared association between form and memory imbues the works with additional layers of meaning.

Shania Ryan
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Throughout my professional graphic design practice, I have learned to love making a difference in my community through creating.
Themes like social media, mental health, and LGBTQ+ have been the driving force of my studies, navigating myself as a designer to embark on positive social changes.
I have participated in three internship programs: LiveWorm, PCYC and Metrix Digital.

Shannen Pipe
Bachelor of Fine Art/Bachelor of Business
My work encourages conversation about hyper-consumerist cultures and the denouement of objects within our everyday lives.
The viewer is asked to consider society's approval of waste as an existential crisis.
The sculptures showcase an assemblage of found objects, manipulated for the development of associative and precarious object-viewer relationships.

Shannon O'Hara
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Hysterical Notions observes the domestic and mass culture in tension with the autonomous practice of abstraction.
I use craft methodologies, sewing together panels of satin and silk, to construct stretched patchwork supports. Abstractions painted atop the material interact with the fabric.
The works juxtapose textiles and abstraction, highlighting the gap between art and mass culture.

Shiarna Wilson
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Throughout my three years at QCA I've had the opportunity to work on various projects that have pushed me to develop my skills and experiment with different styles.
I have participated in the LiveWorm internship program three times and I have also been fortunate enough to gain further experience at Goldi design studio. I received a Griffith Award for Academic Excellence in both 2020 and 2021.
View Shiarna's Behance profile

Shujun Li
Bachelor of Design - Visualisation and Immersive Design
Modern Chinese Backyard combines Chinese elements to create a backyard.
Future museum: the museum of the future has added 3D holographic projection technology to give visitors a better understanding of the artifacts.
Forest: used Unreal Engine to create a spruce forest and snow scene.
Video: used Motion Graphic to introduce principles of design.

Sidonie Hall-Jordan
Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)
This work considers the experience of pain, and the sense of mystery inherent in the pain experience. Pain can be a frightening, alienating, confusing and ultimately confounding experience. In addition, the pained body exists in a state of heightened vulnerability. Opened up by surgical instruments, medical imaging, or supportive equipment in addition to being reduced to an uncomfortable state.

Sienna van Venetien
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Many of my works revolve around mental health and wellbeing, with the occasional project bringing awareness to sexual health. These are two topics that I remain passionate about and have enjoyed expressing through design.
I hope to continue creating a variety of digital and physical outcomes in the future, especially in branding, typography, sensory design and mural design.
Lavender Typeface: A custom typeface created for a mental health magazine.
Palestine Showcase: A printed booklet created for Griffith Film School's showcase event.
The Parlour: A current project.

Sim Marie Dwyer
Bachelor of Fine Art/Bachelor of Business - Studio Art
Dreams, in my experience, are simultaneously serene, unnerving, and violent. Within my piece, drawings depicting my dreams are compiled and captured with notes about the experience, documented within book form to be perused by the viewer.
Soft fabric mimics 'safe' plush toys to encourage the audience to physically interact with the work, contrasted to the 'unsafe' flesh theming of the materials.

Sophie Mortensen
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
These works embody my passions and interests in life and design. They span over different styles, allowing for both freedom of expression and client experience. They showcase my outside the box thinking, as well as a love for typography and design history.

Stella Haycock
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
In this work meaning is decentred, as I focus on the material forms of letters of the English alphabet and the literality of language.
Repetition alienates each form from its usual associations using the serial reproduction of screen printing, leaving each letter to float across the white page without aim or sequence. Here the sole purpose of the alphabet, to construct meaning, is made void.
Stuart Meyer-Plath
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
These works draw upon my perspective about dementia that I've witnessed in my aunt. My time invested in creating and obliterating these works allegorises the destructive progress of dementia upon an individual sufferer.
The degradation of the etchings, coupled with the emptiness in these works, references aspects of the complex nature of dementia: memory fragmentation and cognitive deterioration.

Tanesha Likely
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
Hi, my name is Tanesha! I am passionate about cultural expression, sustainability, and multi-sensory experiences and aim to create enriching environments for everyone.
During my degree, I have completed a mix of residential and commercial projects in both a group and on my own. In the future, I hope to grow as a designer and gain more experience in the industry.
View Tanesha's Linkedin profile

Tanesha Weber
Bachelor of Industrial Design
I have interests in medical applications, manufacturing and design engineering.
VERTEBRAE: A hanging light prototype created from heat formed acrylic, with the purpose of providing ambient lighting.
Cascade: A wooden side table with staggered leg heights manufactured with a CNC router.
CAT Virtual Reality Headset: A laser-cut, brand-aligned VR headset intended for training at CATERPILLAR.
View Tanesha's Linkedin profile

Taryn Lindquist
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
Throughout the years my design outcomes have drawn inspiration from my personal experiences, interests and inspirations.
I am passionate about all things related to interior design and am committed to producing designs that both positively impact their users and create memorable experiences.

Tash Venz
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
I am a passionate, enthusiastic graphic designer focusing on creating positive change.
Throughout my graphic design practice, I have evolved as a young designer and have found that my passion lies in typography, branding and illustration design.
Much of my work expresses my love for bold and colourful designs that explore various design problems and outcomes.
During my study, I received two Academic Excellence Awards in 2020 and 2021. I have also been awarded membership to the Golden Key International Honour Society as recognition for my academic excellence.

Tilly Grootenboer
Bachelor of Fine Art - Photographic Art Practice
Stage of Life invites the viewer in to private, quiet moments of heavy gravity in ones coming of age. In re-imagining these moments as self-portraits, the dichotomy of the seen and unseen becomes nebulous.
Consisting of two large scale prints and a photobook, the work incorporates tableau and magical realism in creating a love letter to the tensions of childhood.

Toni-Maree Savage
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
My work voices the declaration that women will not be passive recipients of the sexually objectifying male gaze.
Each locket depicts a universal moment in women's everyday lives where the male gaze is often unwelcomingly encountered. Etched into the surface are the stories of Australian women, and a three-dimensional charm depicting an Australian native flower symbolising emancipation is attached.

Tran Phuoc Thien
Bachelor of Creative and Interactive Media - Media Applications
It's difficult to be an international student after Covid-19 and visiting home for the first time in three years. I didn't feel I belonged there, or when I returned to Australia. This encouraged me to create a semi-virtual instillation that allows a live feed of my home, which projects through a window with my work desk mixed with valuables from home and current life.
This is a work in progress and these images do not portray the final outcome of the project.
Tyler-jade Treverrow
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Peephole is a series of floral relief prints on toned paper that work by embracing a circular border, giving the illusion that the viewer is looking through a peephole at a larger image.
This series reflects on my ongoing interest into traditional botanical illustration, as well as the ever-evolving neo-traditional tattoo style, and aims to mix the two together to create a cohesive story.

Vanessa Pirsic
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
Memoirs of Botanical Grief is an ongoing series surrounding the subconscious and intuition in dealing with the long-lasting effects of grief.
Outlining dreamt-up imageries as well as ones kept privately noted, there is uncanniness in personal keepsakes, personal family photographs, postcards and long-lost found magazine cuttings.
Where does the mind go when grief and the subconscious crosses?
Wenxia Yan
Bachelor of Design - Interior Design and Environments
I am a graduating student majoring in Interior and Environmental Design. I have an attitude of exploring and learning about design.
Based on the concept of coexistence between people and society, my goal is to maximize the aesthetics and functional practicality of space design.
Will McLean
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
Creating a calming moment for students to take their mind off the stress in their lives and remember to keep a strong work, life, balance.
View the video, Work - Life - Balance.
Yinghui Jiang
Bachelor of Design - Graphic and Communication Design
A few years of college time passed quickly. We have grown from new students who are eager for knowledge to graduates with new skills. I have in-depth research in brand design and font. I hope that I can continue to study design in the future.

Yulia Skorina
Bachelor of Fine Art - Studio Art
A self-proclaimed sorceress promises that through Body-Magic, you can manifest several homunculi. She adorns you with bejewelled apparatuses. The selective contortion they impose on you reveals limits you didn't know you had. Adjusting to your restrained hand you realise - though you're lifelong neighbours, you're meeting the you who is first knuckle of your index finger for the first time.