Together, we can make a difference

Griffith’s Innocence Project relies on volunteers and donations to fund our work freeing innocent people from prison and educating the next generation of lawyers. Working together, we can act and speak up for the wrongfully convicted.

Request assistance

The Innocence Project is currently accepting requests to review applications from people who claim to have been wrongfully convicted in Australia.

We will investigate other situations of potential injustice within our criminal justice system in exceptional circumstances, but only to correct, expose or educate the public about that injustice.

How we work

  • Our team of pro bono lawyers, working alongside law students, examine cases where the applicant claims to have been wrongly convicted.
  • We only take on cases:
    • from across Australia, giving priority to Queensland cases, but can refer cases on if necessary
    • where initial investigations support an applicant’s assertion that they have been wrongly convicted.

If you would like to request assistance, please read the eligibility requirements and application instructions below.

Application process


Make an application

Take on a pro bono case

We are always looking for experienced criminal law firms and lawyers to help free innocent people from prison.

Become a volunteer

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us and supporting the prevention of wrongful convictions.
We currently do not have any volunteering opportunities available.

Speaking Engagement Program

We are excited to announce our Speaking Engagement program, created to inspire and educate higher education institutions, secondary schools, community groups and professional organisations through dynamic presentations and interactive activities. We welcome requests from groups interested in hearing about the work of the Griffith University Innocence Project. Our Director addresses a range of topics, including wrongful conviction, the criminal justice process, prosecutorial concerns, forensics issues, and more. Whether you seek to inspire, impart valuable insights, or share firsthand experiences, our program is dedicated to creating a positive and meaningful learning experience. Please complete to submit your request, and we will be in touch. Thank you for your interest and support!


Innocence Project Legal Clinic

Apply to study

General telephone enquiries

(07) 5552 7060

General email enquiries

Postal address

Griffith University Innocence Project

Griffith Law School Gold Coast

Griffith University QLD 4222

Fraud alert

We have heard that there are people fraudulently representing themselves as working for Griffith's Innocence Project, promising legal representation in exchange for money. These people do not work for us.