Boost your ATAR with adjustments

We offer a range of adjustment schemes which can increase your chance of getting an offer. You may be eligible for an adjustment to your ATAR or selection rank if you are applying to study at Griffith through QTAC or UAC.

Most adjustments are automatically applied to your ATAR or selection rank.

Note: The maximum adjustment you can receive across all schemes is 8.00 selection ranks. Please refer to available schemes for excluded programs. The maximum incremental adjustment for the Bachelor of Medical Science is 0.20 points.

Calculate your adjustments

Try our easy-to-use adjustment calculator to help you estimate your Griffith selection rank.

Let’s go

How do adjustment factors work?

Calculation Example





Year 12 Subject adjustment factors



Gold Coast and Logan Priority adjustment factors



Boosted selection rank with adjustments

Available Schemes

Year 12 Subject Adjustment

What do I get?

If you're a current ATAR student and you've successfully completed certain subjects at school, or university level units, we'll make an adjustment to your ATAR or selection rank.

You can receive a maximum of 6.00 selection rank adjustments for Year 12 subjects. 4.00 of these rank adjustments can be for university subjects completed in the Griffith University Head Start program.

Am I eligible?

Current Year 12 students are eligible, including equivalent interstate Year 12 applicants.

Adjustment factors are automatically applied to your ATAR when you apply for eligible Griffith University preferences through QTAC or UAC for the year following the completion of your Year 12 studies. For example, a Year 12 student graduating in 2023 can receive subject adjustments for a 2024 program, but not when applying for a program commencing in 2025. The table below outlines how many selection rank adjustments you can receive as a current Year 12 student.

How do I apply?

There is no need to do anything—Year 12 subject adjustment factors are automatically applied to your selection rank.

What exclusions are there?

Adjustments are not applied to VET qualifications that are stand-alone.

Excluded programs:

  • Bachelor of Medical Science
  • Bachelor of Dental Health Science
  • Graduate Entry, Advanced Standing and postgraduate programs
  • Programs with selection based on audition, folios or interviews *

    * Adjustments will still apply for applicants to the B Visual Arts, B Visual Arts/B Business, B Design and the B Design/B Business based on ATAR/Rank admission.

Queensland QCAA

Minimum grade of C in Units 3 and 4

New South Wales HSC

2 unit courses, Band 3 or higher

IB Diploma

Grade of 4 in SL subjects,

Grade of 3 in HL subjects

Adjustment Factor
Accounting N/A N/A 2.00 ranks
Aerospace Studies N/A N/A 2.00 ranks
Ancient History Ancient History Ancient History 2.00 ranks
Biology Biology Biology 2.00 ranks
Business Business Studies Business Management 2.00 ranks
Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry 2.00 ranks
Digital Solutions Information Processes and Technology Information Technology in a Global Society 2.00 ranks
Economics Economics Economics 2.00 ranks
Engineering Engineering Studies N/A 2.00 ranks
Film, Television and New Media N/A Film 2.00 ranks
Geography Geography Geography 2.00 ranks

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education


Community and Family Studies

N/A 2.00 ranks
Languages other than English Any two-unit Language course from Category A Languages other than English  2.00 ranks
Legal Studies Legal Studies N/A 2.00 ranks
Marine Science N/A N/A 2.00 ranks
Modern History Modern History History 2.00 ranks
Physics Physics Physics 2.00 ranks
Psychology N/A Psychology 2.00 ranks
Specialist Mathematics HSC Mathematics Extension 1 and 2 Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL) 2.00 ranks

Advanced Study—University Courses

Grade of 4 or higher (on a 7-point scale)

Griffith University Head Start program# 2.00 ranks
Recognised Head Start equivalent from other Tertiary Institutions (e.g., QUT -START, UQ – Enhanced Studies Program) 2.00 ranks

#Griffith University runs a number of At-School courses that are deemed the equivalent of Head Start. These include (but are not restricted to) Griffith Chem, Griffith Eng and Griffith Phys. Find out more about Griffith University Head Start .

Brisbane Community Engagement

What do I get?

If you are new to tertiary study and a resident of the Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich or Redlands area, you may be eligible for an adjustment of 2.00 location selection ranks when you apply for programs at Brisbane.

Am I eligible?

Check your eligibility below based on your residential address.

How do I apply?

The adjustment to your selection rank is automatically applied to eligible preferences on QTAC applications.

What exclusions are there?

Excluded programs:

  • Bachelor of Acting
  • Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (refer to Incremental Adjustments for the Bachelor of Medical Science)
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Musical Theatre
  • Diploma of Music
  • Graduate Entry, Advanced Standing or postgraduate programs.

Check your eligibility

Suburb Postcode Community engagement Priority access


Acacia Ridge



Community engagement

Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank Community Engagement

Priority access





Community engagement

Priority access

Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access


Albany Creek



Community engagement

Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank Community Engagement

Priority access





Community engagement

Priority access

Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access





Community engagement

Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank Community Engagement

Priority access

Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access

What do I get?

If you're a local and new to tertiary study, you may be eligible for Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access adjustments. This pathway awards an adjustment of 2.00 selection ranks when applying for degrees at Gold Coast and Logan and living in an eligible region.

Am I eligible?

Check your eligibility below based on your residential address

How do I apply?

If you are eligible, adjustments will be automatically applied to your QTAC or UAC application.

What exclusions are there?

Excluded programs:

  • Bachelor of Dental Health Science
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (refer to Incremental Adjustments for the Bachelor of Medical Science)
  • Graduate Entry, Advanced Standing and postgraduate programs.

Check your eligibility

Suburb Postcode Community engagement Priority access


Acacia Ridge



Community engagement

Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank Community Engagement

Priority access





Community engagement

Priority access

Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access


Albany Creek



Community engagement

Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank Community Engagement

Priority access





Community engagement

Priority access

Gold Coast and Logan Priority Access





Community engagement

Nathan, Mt Gravatt and South Bank Community Engagement

Priority access

Educational Access Scheme

What do I get?

The Educational Access Scheme can help if you have experienced financial or personal challenges that negatively affected your most recent studies. QTAC EAS categories include:

  • Financial Hardship
  • Home Environment and Responsibilities
  • English Language Difficulty
  • Personal Illness or Disability
  • School Environment

You can apply for this scheme when you apply for an undergraduate program through QTAC or UAC.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for EAS ,you must demonstrate that as a result of circumstances beyond your control or choosing, your most recent studies were negatively affected. Anyone applying for tertiary study through QTAC or UAC can apply for EAS. You do not have to be in Year 12 or currently studying to apply. Most EAS categories relate to circumstances that affected your most recent studies.

If you are a school leaver, most recent studies means your school studies.

If you are a mature student, the majority of EAS categories relate to circumstances that affected your most recent studies outside of a school environment.

How do I apply

  1. Check eligibility and documentation requirements for the EAS Categories you are thinking of applying for
  2. Submit your undergraduate application through QTAC or UAC
  3. Nominate your chosen EAS categories in your QTAC or UAC application
  4. Supply the requested documentation. A school representative or medical professional may need to provide a statement to support your claim
  5. Download and complete the coversheets from the QTAC or UAC website for your chosen categories.
  6. Upload completed cover sheets and supporting documents to your QTAC or UAC application by the due date for the offer round in which you wish to be considered.

Don’t forget to check your application status and email regularly to see if any further documents have been requested because the assessment can’t be finalised without them.

Find out more:



What exclusions are there?

The Bachelor of Medical Science (refer to Incremental Adjustments for the Bachelor of Medical Science), the Bachelor of Dental Health Science, other programs with selection based on audition, folios or interviews, Graduate Entry, Advanced Standing and postgraduate programs are excluded from this scheme.

Elite Athlete Support

What do I get?

If you’re an elite athlete, you could be eligible to receive an adjustment to your selection rank (or ATAR). You can apply for adjustment factors as part of your QTAC application, with up to 6.00 selection ranks able to apply to your ATAR/selection rank.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be a competitor, coach or referee in a funded sport recognised in the Australian Sport Directory; or be under an unfunded sport that is a recognised Olympic or Winter Olympic sport (see the Australian Sports Directory); or
  • be recognised by the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS) or a Professional Player’s Association; and
  • meet at least one of the following:
    • be a member of a state or national squad/development squad;
    • compete in a national or international level competition; or
    • be a coach or referee within national or international level competitions.
  • When assessing your application Griffith will take into account the impact of your sporting commitments and achievements on your studies within the last two years.

How do I apply?

Applicants who have nominated as an elite athlete on their QTAC application will receive a form to provide the details of their sport representation and an official letter of support. If you are a member of the QAS, you still need to complete the form, however QTAC will verify your sport and level of representation directly with QAS.

Elite athletes who receive an offer are also encouraged to apply to the Griffith Sports College for further support.

What exclusions are there?

Excluded programs:

  • Bachelor of Acting
  • Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology
  • Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art
  • Bachelor of Dental Health Science
  • Bachelor of Dental Hygiene
  • Bachelor of Dental Technology
  • Bachelor of Dental Technology /Bachelor of Dental Prosthetics
  • Bachelor of Medical Science
  • Bachelor of Midwifery
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Musical Theatre
  • Bachelor of Nursing/Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Paramedicine
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
  • All Graduate Entry, Advanced Standing and Postgraduate programs
  • Diploma of Music
  • Programs with selection based on audition, folios or interviews *

* Adjustments will still apply for applicants to the B Visual Arts, B Visual Arts/B Business, B Design and the B Design/B Business based on ATAR/Rank admission.

Incremental Adjustments for the Bachelor of Medical Science

What do I get?

The following incremental adjustments are available to applicants for the Bachelor of Medical Science.

Rural adjustments
0.05 points to applicants assessed by QTAC as Rural.
Educational Access Scheme (EAS) adjustments
0.05 points to applicants assessed by QTAC as having a Minor to High EAS case.
0.10 points to applicants assessed by QTAC as having a Very High or Extreme EAS case.
Location adjustments for the Gold Coast offering of the Bachelor of Medical Science
0.05 points to residents of Queensland and residents of Northern NSW.
Location adjustments for the Brisbane South (Nathan) offering of the Bachelor of Medical Science
0.05 points to residents of Queensland.

These incremental adjustments are cumulative, so you will benefit from all that you are eligible for. The maximum incremental adjustment for a Bachelor of Medical Science application is 0.20 points.

Please note that these incremental adjustments apply to your selection ranking (ie ATAR), not to your UCAT ANZ Total Score if you have sat this test.

Am I eligible?

Rural adjustments
To be eligible, you must have lived in an Australian rural area for at least five consecutive years, or for 10 years cumulatively, since birth. This area needs to be defined using the 2019 Modified Monash Model (MM) as MM2 to MM7. You can check your MM status using the Health Workforce Locator and selecting the Modified Monash Model (2019) filter. For more information and to check your MM status please see Griffith’s Rural Priority Access Scheme; Rural Priority Access Scheme.
Educational adjustments
For information about eligibility for EAS, please see the Educational Access Scheme section of this webpage.
Minor to High EAS cases have been assessed by QTAC has having between 5 and 26 EAS points.
Very High and Extreme EAS cases have been assessed by QTAC has having 27 or more EAS points.
Location adjustments
Queensland residents are those whose permanent home residence is Queensland.
Northern NSW residents are those whose permanent home residence is in northern NSW. Check your eligibility (Location adjustments) below based on your residential address.

Check your eligibility

Suburb Postcode


















Alumy Creek



How do I apply?

Location adjustments are automatically applied to your selection rank.

For details on how to apply for EAS, please see the Educational Access Scheme section of this webpage.

For details on how to apply for Rurality, please see QTAC’s Rural Access Scheme webpage.

Examples of how adjustment factors work for the Bachelor of Medical Science

Example 1: ATAR 99.85 student who is a Queensland resident and has achieved a UCAT ANZ Total Score of 3150





Location adjustment



Boosted selection rank with adjustments

First Order Ranking including adjustments = 99.90

Second Order Ranking = 3150 (based on the student’s UCAT ANZ Total Score)

Example 2: ATAR 99.70 student who is a resident of Queensland, is rural and been assessed by QTAC as having an extreme Educational Access Scheme case. This student has also sat the UCAT ANZ test and achieved a UCAT ANZ Total Score of 2900.





Location adjustment



Rural adjustment



Educational adjustment



Boosted selection rank with adjustments

First Order Ranking including adjustments = 99.90

Second Order Ranking = 2900 (based on the student’s UCAT ANZ Total Score)

Example 3: ATAR 99.80 student who is a resident of Northern NSW, is rural and has not sat the UCAT ANZ





Location adjustment



Rural adjustment



Boosted selection rank with adjustments

First Order Ranking including adjustments = 99.90

Second Order Ranking = 0 (as the student has not sat the UCAT ANZ)

Note on Ranking and Offers – In the 3 Examples above, all students were adjusted from their original ATARs to a new ranking of 99.90 based on the incremental adjustments each were eligible for. No adjustment was made to their UCAT ANZ Total Score if they chose to sit this test.

When ranking students for an offer of a place, while all students are in the 99.90 band with other applicants having this ranking, the student in Example 1 is ranked higher for offer selection based on their UCAT ANZ score of 3150. The student in Example 2 is ranked second highest with their UCAT ANZ Total Score of 2900, and the student in Example 3 is ranked at the bottom of the 99.90 band by not having sat the UCAT ANZ.

When making offers, if the Admission Threshold was 99.85, all three students in the examples above would receive an offer. However, if the Admission Threshold was 99.90 but there were too many applicants with a ranking of 99.90 and consideration of second order ranking was required, then the student in Example 1 would be ranked higher than the student in Example 2, who in turn would be ranked higher than the student in Example 3.

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