Prerequisites and Assumed Knowledge
Find out more about assumed knowledge
Griffith operates in an Assumed Knowledge framework. To enable you to successfully complete the first year of some degrees, it is assumed that through your senior secondary school studies, or equivalent, you will have achieved a minimum level of knowledge in certain subjects.
Getting started
Subject prerequisites
Some Griffith degrees carry subject prerequisites to admission. These can include English, maths and/or science subjects. These are displayed in each individual degree listing in the degree finder.
If you want to know the content of each of these subjects, please visit Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority's Senior subjects web page.
What is assumed knowledge?
Assumed knowledge is not assessable. However, some degrees recommend you have foundational knowledge in one or more of the following Queensland Year 12 General subjects:
- Any General or Applied English subject (i.e., English, Literature, English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language)
- General Mathematics
- Mathematical Methods
- Specialist Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Psychology
Find equivalent subjects and bridging courses
Our listing of equivalent subjects includes the equivalencies if you completed your Queensland Year 12 subjects prior to 2020, or if you completed or are completing your Year 12 studies interstate.
You must have completed the subjects at passing grades or higher in order to meet a prerequisite. Contact us if you need to clarify the passing grades and required number of semesters or units that the university has deemed as equivalent.
Some information included in the site is historical, to assist you if you have already met a prerequisite through your secondary, bridging or tertiary studies. This is not a comprehensive list, so we encourage you to contact us if you have completed a course that is not listed and would like to confirm this.
Which bridging course should I take?
This website also includes current options for you to consider completing to meet a prerequisite. To determine the best bridging or tertiary study for you to undertake, you will need to research the cost, make sure that it is the right level you require (i.e. do not take Specialist Mathematics if you only need a General Mathematics and have no prior maths background), and, most importantly, check when the results will be available for you to be considered for the intake you are applying for.
Find equivalent subjects and bridging courses
Biology—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General Subjects (from 2020): Biology QCAA Authority Subjects (prior to 2020): Biological Science Biology Toowoomba Christian College: Year 12 Biology (passing grade) Rudolf Steiner School NZCSE: Integrated Studies in Science (passing grade) | Biology Biology 2 unit Science (Biology) | T Major Subjects: Biology Biological Science Human Biology | Biology (HL or SL) | Biology | Biology Human Biology | Biology | Biology ATAR Biological Sciences (Stage 3) Human Biology ATAR Human Biological Sciences (Stage 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020:4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | From 2010: Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
Biology—Overseas Secondary Studies Subject Equivalents
New Zealand |
Biology (NCEA Level 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Minimum 18 credit points, Grade average of 2.0 or better |
Biology—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | Griffith College | TAFE | Tertiary Bridging / Preparation | ||||
Undergraduate courses: 1016MSC Anatomy and Physiology I 1017MSC Anatomy and Physiology II Head Start At-School: 1002HLS_Y1 Griffith Biology + 1002HLS_Y2 Griffith Biology 1102HLS Biology | Biology (BIO001) Diploma of Educational Studies: FND001 Biology (elective) | TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
TAFE NSW – Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
| CQ University – Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS): BIOL40108 Introductory Biology Unilearn: University of Southern Queensland – Tertiary Preparation Program: TPP7155 General Science + TPP7150 or TPP7160 Preparatory Physics University of the Sunshine Coast – Preparation Pathway: TPP109 Biology UQ College – Tertiary Preparation Program: Biology | ||||
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
Tertiary Bridging / Undergraduate courses (including Griffith College and Uni Learn): Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale TAFE Qld: Grade = P, or J1, or JP TAFE NSW: Grade = 50% |
Chemistry—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General / Authority Subjects: Chemistry Toowoomba Christian College: Year 12 Chemistry (passing grade) | Chemistry Chemistry 2 unit Science (Chemistry) 3 or 4 units | T Major Subjects: Chemistry | Applied Chemistry (HL) Chemistry (HL or SL) General Chemistry (SL) | Chemistry | Chemistry Chemistry ATAR Chemistry 4 | Chemistry | Chemistry ATAR Chemistry (General) Chemistry (Stage 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | From 2010: Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
Chemistry—Overseas Secondary Studies Subject Equivalents
New Zealand |
Chemistry (NCEA Level 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Minimum 18 credit points, Grade average of 2.0 or better |
Chemistry—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | Griffith College | TAFE | Tertiary Bridging / Preparation | ||||
Undergraduate courses: 1001MSC Chemistry of Biological Systems 1 Head Start At-School: 1000ENV_Y1 Griffith Chem + 1000ENV_Y2 Griffith Chem | Diploma of Educational Studies: FND002 Chemistry (elective) | TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
TAFE NSW – Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC): Successful completion of the following:
| CQ University – Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS): CHEM40079 Introductory Chemistry Queensland University of Technology: Chemistry Bridging Program Unilearn: University of Southern Queensland – Tertiary Preparation Program: 11035/TPP7150 Chemistry: An Introductory Course University of the Sunshine Coast – Tertiary Preparation Pathway: TPP103 Chemistry UQ College – Tertiary Preparation Program: Chemistry | ||||
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
Tertiary Bridging / Undergraduate courses (including Griffith College and Uni Learn): Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale TAFE QLD: Grade = P, or J1, or JP TAFE NSW: Grade = 50% |
Applied English—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General subjects (from 2020): Essential English QCAA Authority subjects (prior to 2020): English Communication | English Studies (Examination) | T Major Subjects: Creative Writing | English A: Language and Literature (SL) English A: Literature (SL) | Essential English English Pathways | |||
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 124+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 |
General English—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General subjects (from 2020): English Literature English and Literature Extension English as an Additional Language QCAA Authority subjects (prior to 2020): English English for ESL Learners Toowoomba Christian College: Year 12 English (passing grade) Rudolf Steiner School NCSE: Integrated Studies in English (passing grade) | English Advanced English as a Second Language English Extension 1 English Extension 2 English Standard English (General) English 2 or 3 unit | T Major Subjects: English English Extended English Integrated English International Language and Literature Literature | English A: Language and Literature (HL or SL) English A: Literature (HL or SL) | English English as an Additional Language English Language English / English Expression Literature | English English Communications English Literature English Writing English 1A and English 1B | English English Literacy Studies English Studies English as an Additional Language | English ATAR English (Stage 2 or 3) English as an Additional Language or Dialect (Stage 3) English Literature English (General) Literature ATAR Literature (General) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | From 2010: Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
General English—Overseas Secondary Studies Subject Equivalents
New Zealand |
English (NCEA Level 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Minimum 18 credit points, Grade average of 2.0 or better |
General English—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | TAFE | Griffith College | Uni Learn | Tertiary Bridging / Preparation |
Bridging: 9011CAL Griffith Bridging English For more information, including how to apply for this course visit Griffith Bridging English Griffith Tertiary Preparation: Successful completion of EmpowerED University Preparation Program 9001HLS Introduction to Communication and Literacy (no longer offered) Undergraduate courses: 1019LHS Foundations of Academic Writing Any Bachelor level course where the field of education is English Any two Bachelor level courses | TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
TAFE NSW – Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
| Foundation / Bridging courses: Completion of the Foundation Studies Program FND101 Academic Communications Skills 1 + Completion of the Tertiary Preparation Program (no longer offered) Diploma courses: 1201QBT Academic and Professional Skills Development See also: Griffith University Undergraduate courses | UNL11 Academic Literacy Skills UNL14 Senior English | CQ University – Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS): UQ College – Tertiary Preparation Program: University of Southern Queensland – Tertiary Preparation Program: University of the Sunshine Coast – Tertiary Preparation Pathway: |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | ||||
Tertiary Bridging / Undergraduate courses (including Griffith College and Uni Learn): Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale TAFE Qld: Grade = P, or J1, or JP TAFE NSW: Grade = 50% |
AQF Qualifications | Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) | Employment |
Completed Qualifications: Diploma Advanced Diploma Associate Degree Bachelor Degree and higher Partial Completion / Single course of study: A Bachelor-level course where the field of education is English OR Any two Bachelor-level courses (passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale) | Sittings from 22 April 2010: Overall score of 155 or better Verbal sub-score of 152 or better Minimum requirements and program exceptions apply Must be a non-School Leaver 18 years of age or over For further information visit STAT and Employment Experience | Employment from Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Republic of Ireland, South Africa or Canada within two years of commencement of the course being applied for at the following ANZCO skill levels and FTEs:
Minimum requirements and program exceptions apply Must be 18 years of age or over. For further information visit STAT and Employment Experience Search your occupation skill level on ANZCO. |
General Mathematics
General Mathematics—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General Subjects (from 2020): General Mathematics QCAA Authority Subjects (prior to 2020): Maths A Maths in Society Toowoomba Christian College: Year 12 General Mathematics or Maths A (passing grade) Rudolf Steiner School NZCSE: Integrated Studies in Mathematics (passing grade) | General Mathematics Mathematic General 2 Mathematics in Society 2 unit Mathematics Practice 2 unit Mathematics Standard 2 | T Major Subjects: General Mathematics Mathematics Applications | From 2022: Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (SL) Prior 2022: Further Mathematics (SL) Mathematical Studies (SL) Mathematics (HL or SL) | Further Mathematics General Mathematics (Course A) General Mathematics (Course B) | General Mathematics Mathematics Applied Mathematical Methods – Foundation | 2MGM20 General Mathematics Mathematical Methods Quantitative Methods | Mathematics Applications ATAR Mathematics 2C/2D Mathematics 3A/3B |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
General Mathematics—Overseas Secondary Studies Subject Equivalents
New Zealand |
Calculus (NCEA Level 3) Mathematics (NCEA Level 3) Statistics (NCEA Level 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Minimum 18 credit points, Grade average of 2.0 or better |
General Mathematics—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | TAFE | Uni Learn | Tertiary Bridging / Preparation | |
Bridging: Bridging Maths for Aspiring Educators Griffith University EmpowerED University Preparation Program - Successful completion of Maths Essentials course Mathematics Bridging course (2020 or prior) Undergraduate courses: 1002ENV Applied Mathematics 1004PES Mathematics for Clinical Sciences 1010ENG Engineering Mathematics 1 1011SCG Mathematics 1A 1013SCG Applied Mathematics 1015SCG Quantitative Reasoning 1017SCG Foundation Mathematics 2012MSC Biostatistics | TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
TAFE NSW – Certificate III/IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC): Successful completion of one of the following:
| UNL31 Introductory Mathematics | CQ University – Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS): MATH40237 Fundamental Mathematics for University OR MATH40228 Intermediate Mathematics for University Queensland University of Technology: MAB105 Maths Bridging Course University of Southern Queensland – Tertiary Preparation Program: TPP0181 Elementary Mathematics TPP0182 General Mathematics TPP0183 Mathematical Methods TPP7181 Mathematics Tertiary Preparation 1 TPP7182 Mathematics Tertiary Preparation 2 TPP7183 Mathematics Tertiary Preparation 3 University of Sunshine Coast –Tertiary Preparation Program: TPP104 Mathematics UQ College – Tertiary Preparation Program: Pre-University Mathematics A Pre-University Mathematics B UPRMTH401A Apply mathematical concepts to solve problems General Mathematics | |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | ||||
Tertiary Bridging / Undergraduate courses (including Griffith College and Uni Learn): Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale TAFE Qld: Grade = P, or J1, or JP TAFE NSW: Grade = 50% |
Mathematical Methods
Mathematical Methods—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General Subjects (from 2020): Mathematical Methods QCAA Authority Subjects (prior to 2020): Mathematics B Maths I Toowoomba Christian College: Year 12 Mathematical Methods or Maths B (passing grade) Rudolf Steiner School NZCSE: Integrated Studies in Mathematics (passing grade) | Mathematics Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics 2, 3 or 4 unit | T Major Subjects: Advanced Mathematics Further Mathematics Mathematics Specialist Mathematics (Major/Minor) Specialist Methods | From 2022: Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (HL or SL) Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL or SL) Prior to 2022: Mathematics (HL or SL) Further Mathematics (HL or SL) | Mathematical Methods Mathematics Extension Pure Mathematics (Course A + Course B) | Mathematics Methods Mathematical Methods 4 Mathematics Stage 2 | Mathematical Methods Mathematical Studies Mathematics 1 | Applicable Mathematics Mathematics Methods ATAR Mathematics 3C/3D Mathematics II |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
Mathematical Methods—Overseas Secondary Studies Subject Equivalents
New Zealand |
Calculus (NCEA Level 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Minimum 18 credit points, Grade average of 2.0 or better |
Mathematical Methods—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | TAFE | Uni Learn | Tertiary Bridging / Preparation | |
Bridging: Mathematics Bridging Course No longer offered from 2021 onwards. Accepted if completed in 2020 or prior. Undergraduate courses: 1002ENV Applied Mathematics 1004PES Mathematics for Clinical Sciences 1010ENG Engineering Mathematics 1 1013SCG Applied Mathematics 1017SCG Foundation Mathematics 1010ENG Engineering Mathematics 1 | TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
TAFE NSW – Certificate III/IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC): Successful completion of the following:
| UNL32 Senior Mathematics | CQ University – Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS): MATH40228 Intermediate Mathematics for University AND MATH40252 Technical Mathematics for University University of Queensland: University of Southern Queensland – Tertiary Preparation Program: TPP0182 General Mathematics TPP0183 Mathematical Methods TPP7182 Mathematics Tertiary Preparation 2 TPP7183 Mathematics Tertiary Preparation 3 University of the Sunshine Coast – Tertiary Preparation Pathway: TPP104 Mathematics TPP115 Mathematical Methods for Science and Engineering UQ College – Tertiary Preparation Program: UPRMTH401A Apply mathematical concepts to solve problems Mathematical Methods | |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | ||||
Tertiary Bridging / Undergraduate courses (including Griffith College and Uni Learn): Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale TAFE Qld: Grade = P, or J1, or JP TAFE NSW: Grade = 50% |
Physics—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General / Authority Subjects: Physics Toowoomba Christian College: Year 12 Physics (passing grade) | Physics Science (Physics) | T Major Subjects: Physics Physics - Electronics Physics - Flight | Applied Physics (SL) Physics (HL or SL) | Physics | Physics Physics A Physics B Physics 4 | Physics (stage 2) Physics A Physics B | Physics Physics ATAR Physics (Stage 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
Physics—Overseas Secondary Studies Subject Equivalents
New Zealand |
Physics (NCEA Level 3) |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Minimum 18 credit points, Grade average of 2.0 or better |
Physics—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | TAFE | Uni Learn | Bridging / Preparation | |
Head Start At-School: 1306NSC_Y1 Griffith Phys + 1306NSC_Y2 Griffith Phys | AFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
TAFE NSW – Certificate III/IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC): Successful completion of the following:
| UNL71 Physics | CQ University – Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS): PHYS40110 Introductory Physics Queensland University of Technology: Physics Bridging Program University of Southern Queensland – Tertiary Preparation Program: TPP7160 Preparatory Physics | |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | ||||
Tertiary Bridging / Undergraduate courses (including Griffith College and Uni Learn): Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale TAFE Qld: Grade = P, or J1, or JP TAFE NSW: Grade = 50% |
Psychology—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General Subjects (from 2020): Psychology | T Major Subjects: Behavioural Science / Human Development in Society / Psychology / Sociology Psychology / Health and Human Development | Psychology (HL or SL) | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology ATAR | |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | From 2010: Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
Psychology—Post school study and Bridging Courses
Griffith University | TAFE |
Undergraduate courses: 1001PSY – Introduction to Psychology 1 1002PSY – Introduction to Psychology 2 2006PSY – Cognitive Psychology 2007PSY – Biological Psychology 2008PSY – Social and Cultural Psychology Head Start At-School: 1004HLS_Y1 Griffith Psychology + 1004HLS_Y2 Griffith Psychology 1104HLS Psychology | TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of the following:
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |
Passing grade equivalent to 4 on a 7-point scale | Grade = P, or J1, or JP |
Specialist Mathematics
Specialist Maths—Secondary School Subject equivalents
QLD | NSW | ACT | IB Diploma | VIC | TAS | SA / NT | WA |
QCAA General Subjects (from 2020): Specialist Mathematics QCAA Authority Subjects (prior to 2020): Maths C Maths II | Mathematics Extension 2 Mathematics 4 unit | T Major Subjects: Specialist Mathematics (Double Major) Mathematics Advanced Extended (Double Major) | From 2022: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL) Prior to 2022: Further Mathematics (HL) Mathematics (HL) | Applied Mathematics (Course A) Applied Mathematics (Course B) Mathematics B Mathematics Extension Specialist Mathematics | Analysis and Statistics Mathematics Specialised Mathematics Stage 3 | Mathematics 2 Specialist Mathematics | Calculus Stage 3 Mathematics Specialist ATAR Mathematics Specialist 3C/3D Mathematics III |
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): | |||||||
From 2020: Units 3 & 4 Grade = C Prior to 2020: 4 semesters Grade = Sound Achievement (SA) | Performance Band = 3+ | Scaled Mark = 129+ | Higher Level (HL): Grade = 3 Standard Level (SL): Grade = 4 | Study Score = 26 | Subject exit level of achievement, grade = SA (Sound Achievement) | SACE Stage 2, 20 credits From 2011: Overall grade = C+ Prior to 2011: Subject Achievement Score = 10 | From 2010: Scaled Score = 51+ Prior to 2010: Scaled Mark = 50%+ |
Specialist Maths—Post school study and Bridging Courses
TAFE QLD – Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP): Successful completion of one of the following combinations:
Minimum requirements (unless otherwise specified above): |
Grade = P, or J1, or JP |