Griffith continues to accept standalone VET qualifications for current Year 12 or mature applicants
At Griffith, we have a long tradition of recognising the skills and knowledge gained through Vocational Education and Training (VET) as a highly effective pathway to university.
Over many years, Griffith has seen VET pathway domestic students achieve remarkable results and we will continue to accept stand-alone Vocational Education and Training qualifications completed at high school, private providers and TAFE institutes for admission.
Explore your options
A completed Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Certificate III, IV, or Diploma provides a selection rank for admission to a range of Griffith University degrees. For some degrees, your qualification may provide you with certainty as to your future study with the VET guarantee.
If you are a mature applicant with a completed diploma at TAFE, the TAFE Admission Pathway provides you with the opportunity to apply for direct admission to a range of Griffith undergraduate degrees for the next available intake. Applicants who are completing a dual TAFE diploma/Griffith degree can also apply directly. If you have completed a diploma through a private provider, apply through QTAC.
A Certificate of Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP) provides an excellent foundation for university study and provides a direct pathway to a range of Griffith degrees.
If you are applying as an international student, visit international applications.
VET guaranteed admission
The VET Guarantee gives you certainty that your qualification provides admission to a range of Griffith degrees.
To find out which degree your completed AQF Certificate III, IV or a diploma provides admission to, see guaranteed admission. These degrees are also identifiable on our Griffith Degree Finder by the VET guarantee badge.
Applicants must still meet all other admission requirements. If you have completed one of these qualifications, you do not need to apply separately for this. Simply provide details of your qualification in your QTAC or UAC application. For programs not included in the VET Guarantee, the University may still consider your qualifications for most academic rank based programs. Please refer to the section below ‘How your VET qualifications will be assessed for programs not included in the VET guarantee’.
TAFE Admission Pathway
The TAFE Admission Pathway gives domestic graduates of an AQF advanced diploma or diploma completed at an Australian TAFE institute the opportunity to apply for direct admission into a range of degrees at Griffith University.
Griffith also offers a range of dual TAFE diploma/Griffith degree qualifications with TAFE Queensland. Applicants must first apply for the dual TAFE diploma/Griffith degree through QTAC, listed under TAFE Queensland.
TAFE direct admission
Ready to apply?
If you have completed an AQF diploma or advanced diploma through TAFE, apply directly using the TAFE direct admission application below.
If you have completed an AQF diploma or advanced diploma through a private provider (not TAFE), you are not eligible for this pathway, please apply through QTAC.
Changed your mind?
If you commenced in a dual qualification and have completed your TAFE diploma, but would like to commence in another degree, you are still eligible to apply under the TAFE Admission Pathway.
Simply check the list of eligible degrees below and submit an online application. If your preferred degree is not available for direct admission, you can apply for admission via QTAC or UAC .
Ready to apply?
If you have completed a Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation through TAFE, apply directly using the TAFE CATP Direct Admission Application below.
If you have not yet completed your Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation you are not eligible to apply directly, however you may be considered for admission based on your incomplete study via QTAC or UAC .
If you have completed or are currently completing your Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation at another institution, you are not eligible to apply directly, however you may be considered for admission based on your completed/incomplete study via QTAC or UAC .
For the list of degrees eligible for direct admission, see below. For further information on the degree, visit Griffith Degree Finder. Visit apply to study to check the key dates to apply for your preferred intake.
Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation
Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation (CATP) is ideal if you're wishing to commence tertiary study, particularly if some time has lapsed since completing your secondary studies.
A completed Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation awards a selection rank. See below to find out what selection rank you may receive and the range of Griffith degrees you will be eligible to apply for upon completion of the Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation. See CATP Direct Admission online application.
Applicants with incomplete CATP should apply directly to QTAC/UAC and will be assessed on a different schedule to the below.
How your VET qualifications will be assessed for programs not included in the VET guarantee
A completed AQF Certificate III, IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma at TAFE or through a private provider award selection ranks that may allow you to study at Griffith. See below to determine the selection rank that will be assigned to your complete or incomplete study.
The Special Tertiary Admissions Test may increase your selection rank if you completed a competency-based or ungraded qualification.
Completed Certificates I and II are not considered for admission to Griffith University.
Excluded programs: Bachelor of Dental Health Science, Bachelor of Medical Science, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Graduate Entry pathway and postgraduate programs.
Meeting subject prerequisites
Most Griffith undergraduate degrees now have English as Assumed knowledge. Some degrees including the Bachelor of Education and all Laws (Honours) single and double degrees require applicants to meet an English subject prerequisite for admission among other requirements.
Some programs have additional prerequisites or requirements for admission. For further details on your preferred program, visit degrees.
The table below provides details of whether your VET qualification meets the English subject prerequisite for admission.
Completed qualification | Meets the English subject prerequisite |
AQF Certificate III | No |
AQF Certificate IV | No |
AQF Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation | Yes* |
AQF Diploma | Yes |
AQF Advanced Diploma | Yes |
[*] Partial completion may also meet the English subject prerequisite, depending on which modules you have successfully completed.
For further details on how to meet prerequisites or assumed knowledge, including which CATP modules may meet the English subject prerequisite, visit the prerequisite and assumed knowledge website.
Credit transfer
When you are admitted into Griffith University, you can apply for credit transfer which, if awarded may reduce the time it takes you to complete your degree. Use Griffith’s Credit Precedent Database to find out what credit decisions have been made in the past to give you an idea how your VET qualifications may translate to credit transfer for your Griffith studies.
Looking for other pathways? Visit our Pathways website.