Eve Robinson has a whole world of opportunity in front of her thanks to the Foundation.
The scholarship is for students who have overcome adversities in their life, are passionate about business and may also have an interest in sport. It is funded by the Adam Scott Foundation, which was created to provide life opportunities for Australian youth, and enhance life and career possibilities.
Receiving the scholarship eliminates a significant barrier to furthering my education. It means that instead of being concerned about financial worries, I can focus on working hard on my studies and my future career.
Scholarship recipient Eve Robinson
“I felt so incredibly grateful when I found out my scholarship application was successful,” says Eve, a recent recipient of the Adam Scott Foundation Business Scholarship. “To find out I was selected was overwhelming in the best way possible. I felt elated and couldn’t wait to share the news. It confirmed that all my hard work I’d put into high school and getting into university was worthwhile.”
“Throughout my time at university, I’ve had to deal with the side effects of living in a pandemic—like everyone—as well as deal with the flooding of my family home last year and the loss of many memories and belongings. Reminding myself I have the scholarship and the privilege to study at university debt-free has and will continue to get me through tough times.”
With the support of the scholarship, Eve says she is considering furthering her studies through a masters or honours degree. “Knowing I was selected for the Adam Scott Foundation scholarship makes me determined to work hard to reach other goals and take hold of opportunities when they’re presented,” she says.
“Throughout my time at university, I’ve had to deal with the side effects of living in a pandemic—like everyone—as well as deal with the flooding of my family home last year and the loss of many memories and belongings. Reminding myself I have the scholarship and the privilege to study at university debt-free has and will continue to get me through tough times.”
With the support of the scholarship, Eve says she is considering furthering her studies through a masters or honours degree. “Knowing I was selected for the Adam Scott Foundation scholarship makes me determined to work hard to reach other goals and take hold of opportunities when they’re presented,” she says.
More than $100 million of philanthropy has already been secured to create a brighter future for all.
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