Financial support for aged care nursing

Thanks to Opal HealthCare, this scholarship, in memory of Frank Blazevic, provides financial support to a nursing student who is experiencing financial hardship and is interested in a career in aged care nursing.

The financial support that this scholarship provides will allow me to focus more on my studies.

Bodhi Thwaites

Recent recipient Bodhi Thwaites says, “For me, the Opal HealthCare scholarship is not just about the financial support it provides, it is about supporting an organisation that is passionate about nursing care.

I work in aged care currently, so I know about the industry’s staffing and workload struggles. I empathise with Opal and am extremely grateful to them for providing me with this scholarship.

“The financial support that this scholarship provides will allow me to focus more on my studies. As a result, I will become more knowledgeable in the field, allowing me to provide more effective care to my patients. The Opal HealthCare scholarship will also help support my aspirations of becoming a mental health nurse.”

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