Accessible content benefits everyone
The online environment can create better access, but also barriers, when accessibility is not accounted for. It is important to create content that is engaging and accessible to all types of learners, across multiple platforms and to take into account individual needs.
Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to contributing to a more equitable and just society, where everyone has a chance to thrive and contribute to sustainable development.
Students tell their stories
Disability awareness: a student's perspective
Meet Lily and Caroline, two Griffith University students who live with disabilities.
They need our support to be successful at university and in this video, they explain how we can help.
Professional development and training
Griffith training options and resources
- Disability awareness training at Griffith
- Cultural Competency Program
- Student diversity and inclusion
- Safe campuses
External training options and resources
- Inclusive teaching
- Queensland Human Rights Commission
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Australian Tertiary Education Network on Disability
- Job Access
- Department of Social Services
- Dept of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Accessibility and Microsoft Office 365
The below resources were designed by the Student Disability and Accessibility team to help staff leverage the accessibility features of Microsoft 365 software.
Creating Accessible and Engaging Microsoft Teams Presentations and Meetings
Creating Accessible PowerPoint Presentations