Professor Eleanor Milligan

BSc QUT, GradDipEd QUT, BA (1st Class Hons) QUT, PhD, FCHSM, GAICD.

(Elected academic staff member - from October 2022)

Eleanor joined Griffith University School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2008 as Academic Lead for Ethics, Professional Practice and Law bringing a strong multidisciplinary background in Ethics (PhD, BA Hons 1st), Science (BSc) and Education (Grad Dip Ed).

She is actively engaged with local, state and national bodies making contributions in healthcare ethics and education, organisational culture and governance, and professional regulation. She has a deep commitment to public service and the role of ethics, regulation and governance in building strong, effective and sustainable organisations that deliver critical health and education services across our communities.

In addition to her role as Chair of Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), and Chair Student Misconduct Committee, Eleanor serves as Deputy Chair of North West Hospital and Health Board, and Deputy Chair Queensland Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board. Former statutory board roles include Metro South Hospital and Health Board, Medical Board of Australia and Director of the Australian Medical Council. She has also been a public assessor for the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and as a member of NHMRC Australian Ethics Committee (AHEC) she led the development and implementation of Australia's first national NHMRC clinical ethics capacity building guidelines.