Programs Committee

Programs Committee is a sub-committee of Academic Committee.  It advises Academic Committee on issues of educational policy or practices relating to the structure and requirements of the University's programs either on its own initiative or on referral from Academic Committee or from a Group Pro Vice Chancellor, or from a Dean.

The role and function of Programs Committee is set out in the Programs Committee Constitution.

Committee Membership

Meeting dates

Thursday, 6 February, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 6 March, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 3 April, 20259:00 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 8 May, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 3 July, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 7 August, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 4 September, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 2 October, 20259:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams
Thursday, 6 November, 20259:30 amN54_2.02 / MSTeams
Thursday, 4 December, 2025 *9:30 amN54_2.06 / MSTeams

* Meeting will only proceed if business warrants

Contact us

For meeting agendas, minutes and more information about Programs Committee, contact the Secretary, Ms Kate Rees