University Council
Learn about the Council of Griffith University and its committees which provide leadership and support effective management of the University.
University Committees
Here you will find information about the University Council and Committees, including committee constitutions, membership and meeting dates.
Plans and Publications
The University’s strategic planning framework adopts three corresponding approaches that support our overarching goals.
Policy Governance Framework
The Policy Governance Framework supports the University's governance arrangements, objectives and principles for policy development and review.
Delegations Framework
The Delegations Framework provides the structure for the allocation, exercise and management of delegations of authority.
Policy and Delegation Consultation Hub
When University policy documents are developed or reviewed, the University community will be consulted and invited to provide feedback.
The University thrives on an innovative and future-focused culture. Learn about the quality processes that allow us to keep improving.
Regular, independent reviews of academic and administrative areas allow the University to continually improve its planning and quality frameworks.
Right to information
The University follows the Queensland Government’s Right to Information philosophy, strengthening partnership with communities through access and transparency.
Griffith fosters an ethical and transparent culture and is committed to protecting community members who make disclosures.
Complaints and grievances
Feedback of all kinds is welcomed and helps the University to identify where we need to improve our services and systems.
Conflict of interest
We have a responsibility to ensure that the University's official activities and those of its staff conform to acceptable standards of integrity and good conduct.
Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech
Griffith’s commitment to the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech and applies to all University staff and students and to external and invited visitors to the University. It is closely aligned to the French Model Code.
Corporate Governance Resources
Information relevant for upcoming Council and Council committee meetings (including the Audit and Risk Committee, the Finance and Infrastructure Committee and the People, Nominations and Remuneration Committee), Honorary Degree nomination rounds, Council and committee elections and other corporate governance processes.

Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to advancing sustainable development through comprehensive initiatives that promote economic prosperity, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and good governance for all.